windows-service-plugin copied to clipboard
Not compatible with Gradle 7+ / No License
Hi, thank you for developing this plugin.
This plugin is sadly no longer compatible with gradle 7, e.g. JavaPlugin.RUNTIME_CONFIGURATION_NAME
in WindowsServicePluginTask.groovy(L62) no longer exists.
May I ask you to choose a open-source license for this plugin? I would like to use it with gradle 7+.
Compatibility with gradle 7 and license will be greatly appreciated.
Meanwhile we are using following workaround (monkey patching):
Just use it before apply plugin.
Gradle 7 deprecated the old property and replaced it with RUNTIME_ELEMENTS_CONFIGURATION_NAME. However, that property can't be changed in the script so use the following:
Add: buildscript { JavaPlugin.metaClass.static.getRUNTIME_CONFIGURATION_NAME << { JavaPlugin.RUNTIME_CLASSPATH_CONFIGURATION_NAME } } before plugins {}