Does it integrates to VS automatically or some steps are required?
As a straightforward workaround, have you tried to wrap `graph` into `std::unique_ptr`?
I believe when flow graph was designed and introduced (in ~2010) nobody seriously thought about move semantics support that was introduced in C+11. Perhaps, it can be redesigned in such...
It seems related to #566. How does it work on Windows...?
It always [returns `true`]( It seems like misalignment with specification. However, changing the return value to `void` might break the existing code.
Yes, it makes sense to mention somewhere, e.g. in release notes. I will follow up with the team. The next major version is also an option but there is no...
During team discussion, we agreed that it is a bug that can be fixed without waiting for the major version.
oneTBB relies on .def files to export only required systems. It seems they are not used under your build environment. To avoid all symbols exporting, either .def files should be...
Yes, #786 tries to addresses the issue.
Perhaps, it makes sense (especially, if someone is interested in ia64) Notify: @ekovanova