Alex Ellis
Alex Ellis
Hi @rbradford I landed here for the same question, with Firecracker, any reboot, halt or shutdown will always cause the process to exit. I'd like the same behaviour. A shutdown...
Hi, have you tried --host instead of --ip?
Thanks for your interest @Charlio99 How cheap is your IPv6-only VPS? DO and Scaleway have VMs for 3-5 EUR/USD/mo. Is it cheaper than that? And is that the only driver...
Hi @adrecord I've unfortunately not heard of fcos, can you please give us a link to the project you are referring to? I assume that's a shortened version of some...
I think they have `INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_START` set to true because the logs say that you have to reboot your machine after installing K3s. Is that correct? ``` Freed: 2.1 MB (pkgcache...
We'll take a look at this, thank you for sharing. I'm not sure if you could run `docker buildx uninstall`?
Could you make a suggestion in Which Solution Do You Recommend? Note that `faas-cli publish` requires `DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1`
So what do you suggest using instead of passing `--sdk-auth` to obtain the initial token? I.e. what replaces? ``` SUBSCRIPTION_ID="YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" az ad sp create-for-rbac --role Contributor --scopes "/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --sdk-auth \...
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