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WebAssembly Virtual Machine Built In Elixir

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WebAssembly Virtual Machine written in Elixir. Currently used as the Wasm VM in the Elixium Network


Standard Usage

{:ok, ref} = AlchemyVM.start() # Start AlchemyVM
AlchemyVM.load_file(ref, "path/to/wasm/file.wasm") # Load a module
AlchemyVM.execute(ref, "some_exported_function") # Call a function
# => {:ok, total_gas_cost, :function_return_value}


For Gas Limit use:

 AlchemyVM.execute(ref, "some_exported_function", [:gas_limt, 100])

For Trace use:

AlchemyVM.execute(ref, "some_exported_function", [:trace, true])

For Trace & gas limit use:

AlchemyVM.execute(ref, "some_exported_function", [gas_limit: 100, trace: true])

More detailed usage instructions can be found on HexDocs.


Add alchemy_vm to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:alchemy_vm, "~> 0.7"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at