ha-abb-powerone-pvi-sunspec copied to clipboard
Dynamic Feed-In Control Sensor
Hi there.
I'am using an inverter UNO-DM-4.0-TL-PLUS with Dynamic Feed-In Control via REACT-MTR-1PH but it seems that the app is not loggin the Grid useage as in the Inverter APP/Web portal.
This will be pretty handy to check and keep my grid usage and total energy consumtion (including the solar).
I don't know if its feasible. Thanks in advance for your time.
Edit: Spelling
it seems that the app is not loggin the Grid useage as in the Inverter APP/Web portal.
the component was developed based on the register map of the inverter. so it connects to the inverter via modbus and queries those registers. in the map I analyzed, I didn't see registers for the meters. I don't know if that would require a separate modbus connection to the meter or if the inverter you use provides an extended register map with the meter data included.
Since I don't have that meter and that inverter, nor the relevant documentation, I cannot try to implement it because I couldn't test it, but you can always try to do it and submit a PR if you like.
Sorry about that, I wish I could help you more than this.
I really appreciate you time to respond to my question. For all the people that are in the same situation as me, at least in Spain, we have an HA integration e-data that works with datadis. This integration is not in real time, but it shows the real value of kw and hour distribution. ( sometimes delays can be up to 5-6 days in my case) . But it works for me. Thanks for the awesome integration and hard work.
Does your inverter system use a VSNx00 card for the sunspec modbus tcp interface?
I check in the provider webpage, and i think so. But i'am connected using Ethernet cable. ( but i have the wifi option an i already check it at first installation)
The VSN300 is only wireless. I don't know if the VSN700 has an ethernet port. Probably...
Anyway...you might want to check this other integration: SunSpec.
It has been made by @CJNE, a very good developer and great guy, who helped me when I had problems with my integration. His integration is based on pysunspec2, so it will automatically retrieve ALL available data from the inverter, exploiting the "magic" of SunSpec. :)
Let me know...