scaler icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
scaler copied to clipboard

A web app that lets you play musical scales according to math equations

📼 Scaler

Scaler is a web application that allows you to play scales according to math equations like y = sin(x).

🪀 Features

  • Create and loop multiple formulas
  • Enable / disable particular beats
  • Save and share creations
  • Export to MIDI
  • Experiment with different
    • Note durations
    • Tempos
    • Beats per measure
    • Pitch ranges
    • Scales

💻 Software development

To run the project locally, you'll need Node (v14.17.4) and NPM (v7.20.6).

After cloning or downloading the code, install the project's dependencies with npm install.

From there, you can run the project by starting the development server with npm run start.

The project can be automatically deployed to GitHub with npm run deploy.

🔭 Future improvements

  • Add more scales
  • Allow note duration to be a function