Alex Castro
Alex Castro
> What would it take for the end user to view them? I'll quote this SO answer: > From the moment the private key leaves the backend server, it's not...
As [guidezpl pointed]( you can use the return value to check if it's supported or not; if the return is null, then it is not. Let me know if that...
To resolve that I think you can use a state management solution like, for instance, `ChangeNotifier`: ```dart class DynamicColorNotifier extends ChangeNotifier { DynamicColorNotifier(); ColorScheme? darkColorScheme; ColorScheme? lightColorScheme; bool get isDynamicColorSupported...
Thanks, I see, I think I can add a new tab ("Pending tasks" or "Background jobs") to group all exports and do it in background (no more single task, this...
The compact mode was implemented and the comfortable is the default one. View mode is not a priority right now, I think lists fits pretty well, so I'll not mark...
That's no problem, I've actually a tool to generate the translations, what language would you like to see in the app?
Listed, would be useful to have some way to read line by line (or maybe chunks?) with some kind of metadata (current line|chunks, max lines|chunks) rather of reading entire file...