3.0.0Alpha10-PocketMine-Plugins copied to clipboard
For all plugins compatible with API 3.0.0-Alpha10 for PocketMine-MP.
For all plugins compatible with API 3.0.0-Alpha9 for PocketMine-MP.
BoostPad 3.0.0-Alpha9 - BoxOfDevs https://github.com/BoxOfDevs/BoostPad
JumpPad plugin which allows users to create jumpPads out of redstone blocks.
2vs2 3.0.0-Alpha9
1vs1 plugin edited for use on PocketMine-MP with API 3.0.0Alpha9.
CrateKeys 3.0.0-Alpha9
Simple crates and crate keys plugin for PocketMine-MP. Tap chest with slime ball to open.
SuperVanish 3.0.0-Alpha9
Simple vanish plugin for PocketMine-MP. Use command /supervanish to disappear.
Multi-Inv 3.0.0-Alpha9
Simple inventory plugin for PocketMine-MP. Allows for players to have seperate inventory's in each world.
PerWorldChat 3.0.0-Alpha9
Simple chat plugin for PocketMine-MP. Sets diffrent chat channels in each world.
TimeCommander 3.0.0-Alpha9
Timed command plugin for PocketMine-MP. Set commands and intervals in config.yml.
PeacefulSpawn 3.0.0-Alpha9
Disable pvp in spawn protected area.
Plugins intended for use on PocketMine-MP servers only.