Alexandru Radovici

Results 33 issues of Alexandru Radovici

We love this project and use it a lot in teaching Rust. We tried to submit several PR-us fixing typos and adding new translations, but there does not seem to...

I tried to use this version for Windows IoT Core using node and chakra.dll. The node program stops (segmentation fault probably) at pty.startProcess. I tried with cmd.exe. I used for...

# Description This pull request implements a transformer for the wavedrom library. It allows writing waveform diagrams in the slides. This allows writing wavefrom diagrams using the `wavedrom` transformer. ````md...

I am trying to flash the MCU storage only partially. As there does not seem to be any function that allows flashing at a certain address, I tried to use...

### Description When the last opened project has been deleted while open, Wyliodrin STUDIO will show an error that a project cannot be opened when it is restarted. ### Steps...

good first issue

### Description The connect dialog displays all the possible device connections. Right now, devices are sorted based upon a device priority. Actual devices appear first while placeholders and simulators appear...

good first issue

### Description The Create Application popup display a list of languages for the new applications. This list is not sorted in any order so items are shown in a different...

good first issue

### Description When running code on the Raspberry Pi simulator the code fails to run due to some undefined variable error. This happens when using any of the LCD examples....

good first issue

### Description When running a project in the Raspberry Pi Simulator that is not nodejs, a warning pops up but the text of the warning is an ID instead of...

good first issue

### Description There is an error while downloading notebook files. ``` Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL:;base64,JVBERi0xLjcKJeLjz9MKOSAwIG9iago8PCAvVHlwZSAvUGFnZSAvUGFyZW50IDEgMCBSIC9MYX wMDAwMDAgM2ZDUwYzZlMjUwNzg0Mjg1Y2Q2ZDdlMzcyMDcyM2JiNz4gXSA+PgpzdGFydHhyZWYKMTQzMjU2CiUlRU9GCg== ```
