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Avoid the generated route in the cache

Open thibaut-algrin opened this issue 10 years ago • 6 comments

I try you bundle in my sanbox. But I have this error, with app_dev.php: No route found for "GET /"

Or I my controller I have:

namespace Sandbox\PageBundle\Controller

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Alex\MultisiteBundle\Annotation\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;

class DefaultController extends Controller
     * @Route("/")
     * @Method({"GET"})
     * @Template()
    public function homepageAction()
        return array();

In my routing.yml, I have this:

    resource: "@SandBoxPageBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /

I think the route are generated in cache, because when I delete the cache directory I don't have error.

So I would like to know if it's possible to avoid removing the cover lorsuqe we add a new route, with app_dev.php

thibaut-algrin avatar Aug 04 '14 12:08 thibaut-algrin

Why have you added a prefix to a whole Controller directory instead of

    resource: "@SandBoxPageBundle/Controller"
    type:     annotation

Can you copy/paste what is reported from app/console router:debug?

giovkanata avatar Aug 04 '14 20:08 giovkanata

Yes of course. I added the prefix because it's added when I generated a bundle.

app/console router:debug:

 _wdt                                      ANY      ANY    ANY  /_wdt/{token}
 _profiler_home                            ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/
 _profiler_search                          ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/search
 _profiler_search_bar                      ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/search_bar
 _profiler_purge                           ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/purge
 _profiler_info                            ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/info/{about}
 _profiler_import                          ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/import
 _profiler_export                          ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/export/{token}.txt
 _profiler_phpinfo                         ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/phpinfo
 _profiler_search_results                  ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/{token}/search/results
 _profiler                                 ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/{token}
 _profiler_router                          ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/{token}/router
 _profiler_exception                       ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/{token}/exception
 _profiler_exception_css                   ANY      ANY    ANY  /_profiler/{token}/exception.css
 _configurator_home                        ANY      ANY    ANY  /_configurator/
 _configurator_step                        ANY      ANY    ANY  /_configurator/step/{index}
 _configurator_final                       ANY      ANY    ANY  /_configurator/final
 sandbox_page_default_get                   GET      ANY    ANY  /hello/{name}
 sandbox_page_default_homepage              GET      ANY    ANY  /
 sandbox_page_default_put                   GET      ANY    ANY  /put
 sandbox_page_menu_get                      GET      ANY    ANY  /menu
 fos_user_security_login                   ANY      ANY    ANY  /login
 fos_user_security_check                   POST     ANY    ANY  /login_check
 fos_user_security_logout                  ANY      ANY    ANY  /logout
 fos_user_profile_show                     GET      ANY    ANY  /profile/
 fos_user_profile_edit                     ANY      ANY    ANY  /profile/edit
 fos_user_registration_register            ANY      ANY    ANY  /register/
 fos_user_registration_check_email         GET      ANY    ANY  /register/check-email
 fos_user_registration_confirm             GET      ANY    ANY  /register/confirm/{token}
 fos_user_registration_confirmed           GET      ANY    ANY  /register/confirmed
 fos_user_resetting_request                GET      ANY    ANY  /resetting/request
 fos_user_resetting_send_email             POST     ANY    ANY  /resetting/send-email
 fos_user_resetting_check_email            GET      ANY    ANY  /resetting/check-email
 fos_user_resetting_reset                  GET|POST ANY    ANY  /resetting/reset/{token}
 fos_user_change_password                  GET|POST ANY    ANY  /profile/change-password

thibaut-algrin avatar Aug 05 '14 07:08 thibaut-algrin

Have you any idea?


thibaut-algrin avatar Sep 02 '14 16:09 thibaut-algrin

Your command states there is a / URL, that sound weird. Sure it's not a cache issue?

alexandresalome avatar Jul 09 '16 07:07 alexandresalome

It's probably your domain that is not the same as in your config.

If you define:

            fr_FR: { host: test.localhost }

You must use http://test.localhost - if you still use http://localhost, router won't be able to match.

Take a look at generated code in app/cache/dev/appDevUrlMatcher.php

alexandresalome avatar Jul 09 '16 09:07 alexandresalome

I'm experiencing the same issues. It seems that routes are created and visibles through debug:router in CLI, but not reachable on the site until the cache is cleared, even in dev (app_dev.php).

I was digging in the code up to this point (Router/Loader/AnnotatedRouteControllerLoader.php) : // cache will refresh when file is modified $collection->addResource(new FileResource($class->getFileName()));

Is it possible to disable this caching mechanism in dev mode (Symfony 3.2) ?

Yondz avatar Mar 28 '17 14:03 Yondz