+1 on this. It renders a headless pi inaccessible. If you run the script without -p it does not accept the correct password.
Yes, Same here unfortunately.
NB I am on firmware version 1.5.7 HW version 2.1
As above, I am happy to provide testing services etc. I am unfortunately not familiar with the programming languages involved, so my assistance there would be limited.
Great idea, +1 on this.
I would also love to see an export data option. Its a big thing to put all your data into one platform, without the ability to export when selling etc....
Is there any further development on this? I have been unsseucfeul in getting the above script to work, as my device uses JK04 protocotol version and I cannot figure out...
Thanks! This version, and the one linked, generate the following error, I have updated my MAC ID to my BMS. error while connecting to bt: Characteristic 00002a24-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb was not found!...
I now understand that MODEL_NBR_UUID is the UUID address of the devices model name. and that CHAR_HANDLE is the UUID of the charachter mapping? in any case, all variations did...
As a follow-up, changing the fuel type after adding fill-ups only changes the graph labelling, so not a suitable workaround.