Alexander Cerutti
Alexander Cerutti
Hey everyone, [bl's typings on DT are now getting deprecated!]( How can we bring this on?
No, the issues with DTs were, also, that you weren't able to call `BufferList` and `BufferListStream` as a function, but only via `new`. A lot of things changed, and we...
> I have just tried with import BufferList = require("bl/BufferList.js"); and it's giving me the next error: I think this is okay actually. I mean, Typescript is telling you that...
I'm sorry everyone, in these days I'm having a few personal troubles so I cannot dedicate much time to this :( I'll everything check asap (likely on the next week)
Nope, but I'm curious about the new possible replacement `switch`, so let's wait!
Still waiting
I downgraded to `~4.3.0` and (up to `v4.5.0` included) everything works as expected. Starting from [v4.6.0]( the situation described starts to happen. I suspect the changelog line involved in such...
Thank you for your reply! Support page is really interesting. I will be able to dig down further on the next week. In the meanwhile I performed an analysis, which...
Hey @joeyparrish, I've been able to perform a test on Android + Chrome + Incognito on the page you linked me. Here below the result. Open details Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android...