Alex Alvarez

Results 55 comments of Alex Alvarez

I'm playing around with `vertical-collection` with ember light table, and was not having luck getting data to be occluded. Aside from pitfalls and such was wondering what was meant by:...

> Can you test if it's still a problem in other versions of Ember? you want me to go back or forwards in versions? I'll investigate in the morning

hmm... so a helper that behaves like ?

Right now it's only enabled and needed when `responsive=true` is passed to the light table component, so it should be possible to add a configuration option to exclude it from...

We took the approach of doing in `ember-scrollable`. It's pretty trivial to add if someone wants to bother with it and maybe save someone else headache. A more involved...

thanks for the investigation @buschtoens It seems like the logical next steps for targets, I clearly overstated what targets can do (for now). I updated do you think that's...

Hi @baljeet03 I'm so sorry for not following up sooner. I'm actually not sure about, so I'd need to review with @buschtoens is an array, so as is...

Ooooh.. I see what you mean now, thanks for the clarification. Like you mention, I think the computed property one would be best. Make sure to add...

is there a way to leverage the ember-light-table generators to make an addon generator or something?

@Stokier that's awesome! Thanks for sharing. We should find a way to incorporate your work if at worst by linking to it in various places.