alexa-smarthome copied to clipboard
Setting thermostat mode not replying properly
when I respond to your service with answer below, Alexa says "Device is not responding". I have double checked my response with your documentation and it seems to be structured correctly. Please help.
{ "context": { "properties": [ { "namespace": "Alexa.ThermostatController", "name": "targetSetpoint", "value": { "value": 21, "scale": "CELSIUS" }, "timeOfSample": "2018-01-19T15:50:39.070Z", "uncertaintyInMilliseconds": 500 }, { "namespace": "Alexa.ThermostaController", "name": "thermostatMode", "value": "AUTO", "timeOfSample": "2018-01-19T15:50:39.070Z", "uncertaintyInMilliseconds": 500 } ] }, "event": { "header": { "namespace": "Alexa", "name": "Response", "payloadVersion": "3", "messageId": "...", "correlationToken": "..." }, "endpoint": { "endpointId": "..." }, "payload": {} } }
Hello @umarovt
I believe you are keying in the messageID, correlationToken, endpointID form the request to the response instead "..."
Do you still have this issue? If so, please feel free to with your discovery response and full change report.