Alexandre Aubin

Results 53 issues of Alexandre Aubin

#### :warning: Thread policy : following past traumas, we will not hesitate to remove any comment which do not add anything constructive on making progress with this, such as asking...

:building_construction: Major project

cf various discussions, usually regarding Nextcloud, on how to move the data dir elsewhere. There are too many "tutorials" with at least 3 different methods involving dozens of CLI commands...

:birthday: feature
:building_construction: Major project

We moved to Grav for the documentation but the home page still runs using the old Simone code ... @tituspijean started to look into this a few days ago

:book: documentation
:bangbang: Priority: high

Using "yunohost log display" from the CLI is a pain, because you need to know the ID of the operation found in "yunohost log list" To simplify this, we could...

:cake: enhancement
good first issue
:keyboard: Command line interface

People on the forum were reporting that they weren't automatically logged in their app even though logged on the forum, to be reproduced and debugged

:space_invader: bug
:door: SSO

cf for example nextcloud install leading to: ``` 152489 INFO [##################+.] > Configuring Fail2Ban... 184533 WARNING (this may take some time) 455986 WARNING The service fail2ban didn't fully executed the...

:space_invader: bug
:wrench: Configuration

For example : - some screenshots are outdated in - some references to `admin` in whereas now it should be the "any member of the admins group, such...

:space_invader: bug
good first issue
:book: documentation
:bangbang: Priority: high

On the support, we regularly have similar situations which requires the user to use a bunch of tools. Situations such as : - adding swap to the machine (we could...

good first issue
:birthday: feature

cf and many other stories about people modifying stuff in /etc/yunohost/apps/*/conf ... `chattr +i` flags the file as immutable, even by root (who may still run `chattr -i` ..)

:cake: enhancement
:package: App management
:star2: ux

Since / DNS config is already automatically handled, supporting DNS challenge would allow to obtain lets encrypt certificates independently of firewall/port forwarding concerns, and therefore could be automatically...

:lock: Certificate
:birthday: feature
:balloon: DynDns