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An easy way to start a front-end project.

Results 12 quick-start issues
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### Describe the bug yarn create @quick-start/electron,选择vue typescript,在renderer中的vue组件中(如Versions.vue),window.electron 无法识别,在env.d.ts中添加以下声明也无效: import { ElectronAPI } from '@electron-toolkit/preload' declare global { interface Window { electron: ElectronAPI api: unknown } } ![WX20220907-144258@2x](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4078122/188807567-21bef2b3-78a5-406f-86e9-0298213356fa.png) ### Used...


### Describe the bug yarn create @quick-start/electron,选择vue typescript,typescript版本为:4.8.3(4.7.4也试过) ts文件(如main/index.ts)中随便写一句非法语句,如a = b,执行npm run typecheck,无法检出该错误 是否是tsconfig配置有些问题?我随便拷了一个服务端项目的tsconfig配置执行tsc可以检出错误 ### Used Scaffolding create-electron ### Used Package Manager yarn ### Validations - [X] Follow the [Code...


### Describe the bug after npm run dev I got: *** stack smashing detected ***: terminated GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=134 ### Used Scaffolding create-electron ### Used Package Manager npm...

### Clear and concise description of the problem Hi, I'm looking to integrate nuxt with electron. I'm coming from the Quasar project. Quasar uses electron-vite. I started with `nuxt-electron` plugin,...


### Describe the bug I've just discovered vite, not very familiar yet, but when I compare the vanilla js sample with all other samples (incl. Vanilla ts), it seems to...


Added vue-vite-devtools to the vue electron templates

### Description Using `typeof` to resolve manual type definition. ``` // preloader index.ts export type api = typeof api // preloader index.d.ts import { ElectronAPI } from '@electron-toolkit/preload' import type...

### Clear and concise description of the problem I'm having a hard time getting the renderer process (React app) listening to a main thread event. The project was created using...


### Description I find that the project structure of electron apps would be a lot more clear if the main process file is named main.js, and the preload file named...

### Describe the bug After editing and saving in VS Code, autofocus on the Electron window only appears in solid-ts template and Mac screen mirror on iPad. The vue-ts template...
