KDE-Rounded-Corners icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
KDE-Rounded-Corners copied to clipboard

Add option to increase the rounding radius to accomodate HiDPI monitors

Open macthecadillac opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

I enjoy your extension a lot and I think it'd be nice if you can add an option to adjust the corner radius so people with HiDPI screens could make the corner rounding a bit more pronounced.

macthecadillac avatar Sep 22 '19 20:09 macthecadillac

it would be great if the radis of rounded corner can be configurable, or I'd be happy if rounded corner is 6 to 8pix

QuakeString avatar Mar 17 '20 17:03 QuakeString

@alex47 consider this as it is helpful for us all hidpi users

phoenix277yt avatar Dec 31 '20 08:12 phoenix277yt