Alex Gaynor

Results 324 comments of Alex Gaynor

@joshlf can you say what you're deprecating it in favor of? Mundane had a lot promise IMO

This is maybe a better question for another place, does that mean you have solid confidence in RustCrypto (to the same degree as BoringSSL) on perf/correctness/security? Does Fuschia have no...

Thanks. (If email is easier than a random jithub issue: [email protected]). FWIW my interest is that, in addition to doing a bunch of rust stuff, I'm one of the maintainers...

FWIW I've used the crate `rustyline` to table completion and it's great. Example usage here:

We'd also appreciate a tag! Is there any way we can help?

FWIW, I stumbled across this one, I think the underlying issue here may be this rustc issue: (the pattern of the minimal reproducer looks remarkably similar at any rate!)

ActivityWatch is an application people run, not a library right? My personal view is that for applications, it's ok to send non-personally-identifiable information in opt-out (aka on by default) telemetry....

Sorry, I don't know. Firefox (where I work) is all custom stuff for telemetry.

I think, it should be technically possible to do something like (maybe this required GATs? not sure, without having actually tied to implement this :-)): ```rust fn push(&self, v: T)...

Would it make sense to make this functionality option/behind a cargo feature? The dependency on `futures-util` adds quite a few dependencies to the tree, which probably impacts compile time, and...