Adam Lewis
Adam Lewis
Support pinv
We need `np.linalg.pinv`, in both the backends and on `Tensor`.
We should support the Cholesky decomposition per, adding a pivot argument in the same way as qr and svd.
We should support the numpy function np.power. Edit: it would also be good to support elementwise exponentiation of `Tensor` using the `**` operator
This is a ~~~megathread~~~ for tracking the various subtasks of finally repairing our documentation.
This is a ~~~megathread~~~ for tracking the addition of examples.
Jax proper now supports GMRES, and the version there should be better than ours in several ways. If we are willing to enforce that one have the latest Jax version...
Tensor should support the numpy-like function `item`, which converts a size-1 Tensor into a Python scalar.
Right now there's a bit of a confusing situation going on where the term `Tensor` refers both to the type of a given backend array (the old use) and to...