aletheia-admin copied to clipboard
Kade's to do list
- [x] Organise Bronz trip
- [x] Organise call with Chris
- [x] Update Flattr
- [x] Run through all the Patreon emails
- [x] Action anything relevant from the Patreon emails
- [x] Run through personal emails for Aletheia stuff
- [x] Action anything relevant from personal emails
- [x] Call Joe Swin - teed up call now waiting for response
- [x] Look over the reputation work Roo has done
- [x] Look over steem as mentioned by Yann in the Slack
- [x] Make sure Patreon stuff is included in the Readme
- [x] Make sure Flattr stuff is included in the Readme
- [x] Sort out rewards on Patreon
- [ ] Go over contacts and see if there are any we can email regarding Patreon
- [x] Look at legal jurisdictions
- [ ] Bank account
- [ ] Cryptocurrency wallet
- [ ] Chase lawyers
- [x] Sort out Cloudflare
- [ ] Sort out blog
- [ ] Youtube account
- [ ] Add existing videos to it
- [x] Chase down online presence links
- [ ] Continue with the business plan
- [x] Update the licensing section of the Readme
- [ ] General reminder to do more social media now your back from traveling, try and post to twitter and facebook daily
- [x] Check on the 15th if consensys ahve gotten back to us
- [x] Formalise Steering Committee duties
- [x] Five people to agree to be part of the Steering Committee
- [ ] Source real article
- [x] Print banking documents, fill them in and post to Roo
- [x] Look into Aragon
- [x] Update whitepaper
- [x] Add note about community vote levelling to Etherpad
- [x] Add note about dataset and methodology to the Etherpad
- [x] Add note about transaction fee/captures to the Etherpad
Done for call 7 Jan 2018
- Call with Roo to organise the next three months of work
- Call with Yann and Chris to run through organisation for next next three months and next steps for creating smart contracts
- Took notes on those calls and added them to GitHub
- Added brief notes to etherpad and put it in Slack
- Asked Roo to add notes from today's call into etherpad and let Yann and Chris know they can start working once that is done
- Emailed Aletheia volunteers to update them on the three month plan
- Emailed district0X regarding contacts
- Emailed Chris Hartgerink regarding tech discussion
- Kicked off UI discussion with Roo and Kolt
- Sent off email to people about joining our Steering Committee
- Looked into Aragon
- Got Flattr working for the website and didn't break the website!
- Emailed Flattr about getting an icon
- Compiled list of contacts to email once we have MVP set up
- Researched Kraken
- Researched Coinbase
- Researched multisig wallets
- Tried to fix the HTTPS issue with the website a number of times (now serving up HTTPS but cert still needs configuring)
- Answered a bunch of Steering Committee emails
- Answered emails from a sister projects
Completed for call 14 Jan 2018
- Website now uses HTTPS and redirects from HTTP
- White paper is now updated
- Added license to logo repo
- Updated licenses in the README
- Sorted out Coinbase for possible multisig wallet
- General correspondence
- General social media
- Set up Buffer for Aletheia
- Made Buffer posts
- Looked over Cloudflare stats
- Spoke to District0X
- Spoke to Commons Platform about a team chat
- Created a Mail Chimp account
- Sent out an update email
- updated the steering committee
- Made Buffer posts
- Emailed two potential contacts
- Looked over the content from the Commons Platform
- Emailed the community and the Steering Committee
- Looked into TechSoup
- Replied re grant in Slack
- Spoke to Nicky Franken from Blockchain for Science
- Looked over the Data Commons Aotearoa New Zealand whitepaper
- Put Nick from Data Commons in touch with the Commons Platform
- Replied Nick
- Amended the Docker task
- Flagged with Roo things to run through on next call
- Added new member and give them permissions to the website repo
- [ ] Get to MVP
- [ ] Bank account
- [ ] Cryptocurrency wallet
- [ ] Chase lawyers
- [ ] Sort out blog
- [ ] Youtube account
- [ ] Add existing videos to it
- [ ] Business plan
- [ ] Source real article
- [ ] Speak to the charities board
- [ ] Ask the lawyers to set up NFP
- [ ] Apply for TechSoup
- [ ] Apply for Google grant