SFSymbolsPickerForSwiftUI copied to clipboard
A SwiftUI view for selecting SF symbols in your app
SF Symbols Picker
SFSymbolsPicker is a simple and powerful SwiftUI picker that let you pick Apple's SF Symbols inside your iOS and macOS apps with an easy binding!
- Added the ability to specify a custom close button
- Added support for macOS 11.0 and above
- Optimized symbol loading performances
- Improved search bar
- Fixed visibility bug for SymbolPicker view
- Added the ability to automatically dismiss the view when a symbol is selected
- Added the ability to specify the view title and a label for the search bar
- Added a toolbar icon to manually dismiss the view
The way the package loads SF symbols has radically changed. Now the symbols are read at run-time directly by the system, so the users can access the latest symbols added by Apple as soon as they update their devices. Special thanks to mackoj for the suggestion in implementing this solution.
Here's a short usage example. You can find the full code in UsageExample.swift.
@State private var icon = "star.fill"
@State private var isPresented = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
Button("Select a symbol") {
Image(systemName: icon).font(.title3)
.sheet(isPresented: $isPresented, content: {
SymbolsPicker(selection: $icon, title: "Pick a symbol", autoDismiss: true)
.navigationTitle("SF Symbols Picker")
With custom button:
.sheet(isPresented: $isPresented, content: {
SymbolsPicker(selection: $icon, title: "Pick a symbol", autoDismiss: true) {
// Your custom view...
// For example:
- iOS 14.0 or above
- macOS 11.0 or above
- Xcode 12.0 or above
In Xcode go to File -> Add Package Dependencies...
and paste in the repo's url: https://github.com/alessiorubicini/SFSymbolsPicker
Then choose the main branch or the version you desire.
Copyright 2024 (©) Alessio Rubicini.
The license for this repository is MIT License.
Please see the LICENSE file for full reference