transee icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
transee copied to clipboard

Part of ui is hidden on laptop

Open Kilbourne opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

Hi, i started using transee on a desktop and all was ok. Last year i switched to a 13" laptop with very high resolution and part of ui is hidden behind top border of the screen. On alt+tab+t i can't see nothing but after writing a word i can see the UI only starting from "Translate from..". Now i have a new 13" laptop with even higher resolution and i have the same problem..( probably a miscalculation on top absolute position value) the app is very nice and i often use it but actually is pretty unusable on my laptops :)..

Kilbourne avatar Feb 24 '19 00:02 Kilbourne

Hi, thank you for reporting this issue, I will try to solve the problem as soon as possible.

alessioforte avatar Apr 03 '19 19:04 alessioforte