jquery-hortree icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jquery-hortree copied to clipboard

This jQuery plugin will render an horizontal hierarchical tree starting from a JSON schema


This jQuery plugin will render an horizontal hierarchical tree starting from a JSON schema

jQuery HorTree example


See a demo here


  1. Include jQuery
  2. Include jquery.line.js plugin (credits to tbem)
  3. Include dist/jquery.hortree.min.js and dist/jquery.hortree.min.css
    data: [
            description: 'root',
            tooltip: 'tooltip is optional',
            children: []


You can provide a configuration object as first parameter to manage content and graphic stuff.

property required data type default notes
data Yes Array [] Each object in this array should have the properties description and children, where children is an array containing objects with the same structure. This is the basic schema, you can modify the source code adding properties and managing it in your template according to your data structure.
lineStrokeWidth No int 2
lineZindex No int 8
lineColor No string #4b86b7
onComplete No function - This function is called when the tree is rendered

description content is rendered in a <div> element with the class .hortree-label. Modify it as your need to get the best look and feel.


MIT © 2017 alesmit