HDRP-UI-Camera-Stacking icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
HDRP-UI-Camera-Stacking copied to clipboard

Optimized implementation of camera stacking for UI only in HDRP.

Results 9 HDRP-UI-Camera-Stacking issues
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Unity : 2021.3.0f1 There is no problem in editor mode. However, there is a problem with the runtime after the build. (exe) Nothing is drawn on the screen. The screen...

Hi Thanks for the great package! But there is one problem I've encountered, the UI do not display on the same view rect as main camera. If I change the...

It's great to see this referenced from the [official Unity blog](https://blog.unity.com/technology/get-acquainted-with-hdrp-settings-for-enhanced-performance)! While I understand this is absolutely no guarantee for support here would still be great if this would indeed...

Hey, I'm trying to use this package alongside volumes for post processing on the UI, is this possible?

Hi, thank for your work So we wanted to show VFX in our UI but we have this effect : ![image](https://github.com/alelievr/HDRP-UI-Camera-Stacking/assets/49842893/fccecc85-2c9d-4edc-84ef-0a2943876cbf) I seem that it's because transparancy isn't manage but...

Did you ever get post-processing to work with this? It would be great since then I could 'curve my UI' using a post process. There is a sort of work...

Hello, We are using 3 Custom Passes for the UI Blur (explained here: https://www.turiyaware.com/blog/unity-ui-blur-in-hdrp). Here is an example: 1. UI_01 (Before Pre Refraction): All the UI elements, that can get...

Hi. Is it possible to an UI Blur against the 3D background with the HDRP-UI-Camera-Stacking similar to the the HDRP-Custom-Passes#screenspace-camera-ui-blur? If yes, would it be possible to add an example...

The package doesn't compile in the latest 2020.3 LTS version of Unity, throwing the following errors: `CameraStackingCompositing.cs(86,53): error CS0173: Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no...