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error extracting reads for scaffolding
Dear Aleksey,
I have run the latest version on the grid (using slurm) to create the megarreads. After the create_megarreads job array finished I simply rerun ./ and I obtained a flye assembly with megareads coverage 21x ). However, the post-assembly scaffolding step failed with this error:
what(): basic_ios::clear /home/devel/fcruz/bin/programs/MaSuRCA-4.0.4/bin/ line 112: 13973 Aborted $MYPATH/ufasta extract -f <(awk '{print $NF}' $REFN.$QRYN.coords) $QRY > $REFN.$QRYN.reads.fa.tmp
I think the reason is because the input raw reads are given in fastq format instead of fasta.
Usage: -r
Are you contemplating to adjust this script to also accept fastq and fastq.gz ?
For now, i will convert the original input raw reads to fasta and rerun the scaffolding script. I guess this is the right thing to do, using the megareads for scaffolding does not seem right.
Thanks, Fernando
The input files for masurca scaffolder must be fasta. Good point, I will add conversion of fastq to fasta automatically in the future version.
Hi Aleksey,
Adding it would be nice because it will more flexible.
By the way, any hints about how to solve the problem with it was raised here issue #242 error
Thanks, Fernando