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Bidirectional, data-driven RSS/Atom feed consumer, producer and feeds aggregator

Buran (meaning "Snowstorm" or "Blizzard") was the first spaceplane to be produced as part of the Soviet/Russian Buran programme. Wikipedia


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Buran is a library designed to consume and produce any RSS/Atom feeds by using data-driven approach. It works as ROME wrapper but in Buran, feeds are just data structures.

Buran could be used as an aggregator of vary feed formats into regular Clojure data structures. If you consume a feed, Buran creates a map. Thus all you have to do is either read or manipulate the map as you wish using regular functions like filter, sort, assoc, dissoc and so on. After the modifications, Buran can generate from it your own feed, for example in a different format (RSS 2.0, 1.0, 0.9x or Atom 1.0, 0.3).


  1. Add to project.clj - [buran "0.1.4"]

  2. Import

in your namespace

(:require [buran.core :refer [consume consume-http produce combine-feeds filter-entries sort-entries-by shrink]])


(require '[buran.core :refer [consume consume-http produce combine-feeds filter-entries sort-entries-by shrink]])


No matter with which format of a feed you work, no matter you want to consume a feed or produce a new one. Every time you work with the same data structure. Buran's API is short - consume, consume-http, produce and some helpers to manipulate the feeds combine-feeds, filter-entries, sort-entries-by and shrink. The basic workflow is continually passing a data structure to the API functions, see Various options for details.


Consume a feed from String

(def feed "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
           <feed xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\">
             <title>Feed title</title>
             <subtitle />
               <title>Entry title</title>
                 <name />
               <summary>entry description</summary>
(shrink (consume feed))
{:info    {:feed-type "atom_1.0", 
           :title     "Feed title"},
 :entries [{:title       "Entry title", 
            :description {:value "entry description"}}]}

Produce a feed

(def feed {:info {:feed-type "atom_1.0"
                  :title     "Feed title"}
           :entries [{:title       "Entry title"
                      :description {:value "entry description"}}]})
(produce feed)
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
 <feed xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\">\r
   <title>Feed title</title>\r
   <subtitle />\r
     <title>Entry title</title>\r
       <name />\r
     <summary>entry description</summary>\r

Consume a feed over http

(consume-http "https://stackoverflow.com/feeds/tag?tagnames=clojure")
{:info {...},
 :entries [...],
 :foreign-markup [...]}

Shrink a feed (remove nils, empty colls, maps and etc.)

(shrink (consume-http "https://stackoverflow.com/feeds/tag?tagnames=clojure"))
{:info {:description "most recent 30 from stackoverflow.com",
        :feed-type "atom_1.0",
        :published-date #inst"2018-08-20T08:03:33.000-00:00",
        :title "Active questions tagged clojure - Stack Overflow",
        :link "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/?tagnames=clojure&sort=active",
        :uri "https://stackoverflow.com/feeds/tag?tagnames=clojure",
        :links [{:href "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/?tagnames=clojure&sort=active",
                 :type "text/html",
                 :rel "alternate",
                 :length 0}, ...]},
 :entries [{:description {:type "html", :value "<p>..."},
            :updated-date #inst"2018-08-20T06:16:12.000-00:00",
            :foreign-markup [...],
            :published-date #inst"2018-08-20T05:54:39.000-00:00",
            :title "Clojure evaluate lazy sequence",
            :author "Constantine",
            :categories [{:name "clojure", :taxonomy-uri "https://stackoverflow.com/tags"}, ...],
            :link "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51924808/clojure-evaluate-lazy-sequence",
            :uri "https://stackoverflow.com/q/51924808",
            :authors [{:name "Constantine", :uri "https://stackoverflow.com/users/4201205"}],
            :links [{:href "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51924808/clojure-evaluate-lazy-sequence",
                     :rel "alternate",
                     :length 0}]}, ...],
 :foreign-markup [...]}

Various options

Consume feed

(consume {:from             (java.io.File. "~/feed.xml") 
                                        ; String, File, Reader, W3C DOM document, JDOM document, W3C SAX InputSource
          :validate         false       ; Indicates if the input should be validated
          :locale           (Locale/US) ; java.util.Locale
          :xml-healer-on    true        ; Healing trims leading chars from the stream (empty spaces and comments) until the XML prolog.
                                        ; Healing resolves HTML entities (from literal to code number) in the reader.
                                        ; The healing is done only with the File and Reader.
          :allow-doctypes   false       ; You should only activate it when the feeds that you process are absolutely trustful
          :throw-exception  false       ; false - return map with an exception, throw an exception otherwise
(consume-http {:from             "https://stackoverflow.com/feeds/tag?tagnames=clojure" 
                                                      ; <http url string>, URL, File, InputStream
               :headers          {"X-Header" "Value"} ; Request's HTTP headers map
               :lenient          true                 ; Indicates if the charset encoding detection should be relaxed
               :default-encoding "US-ASCII"           ; Supports: UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, CP1047, US-ASCII
               + all options which are applied to a (consume) call

Beware! consume-http from either http url string or URL is rudimentary and works only for simplest cases. For instance, it does not follow HTTP 302 redirects. Please consider using a separate library like clj-http or http-kit for fetching the feed.

Produce feed

(produce {:feed            {:info {:feed-type "atom_1.0" ; Supports: atom_1.0, atom_0.3, rss_2.0, 
                                                         ; rss_1.0, rss_0.94, rss_0.93, rss_0.92, 
                                                         ; rss_0.91U (Userland), rss_0.91N (Netscape), 
                                                         ; rss_0.9
                                   :title "Feed title"}
                            :entries [{:title       "Entry 1 title"
                                       :description {:value "entry description"}}]
                            :foreign-markup nil}

          :to              :string ; <file path string>, :string, :w3cdom, :jdom, File, Writer
          :pretty-print    true    ; Pretty-print XML output
          :throw-exception false   ; false - return map with an exception, throw an exception otherwise


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Distributed under the Apache License 2.0