dreamy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dreamy copied to clipboard

Backbone-offline example app, it also uses Rails 4, Backbone.js, and Zurb Foundation

 ____________   ___________         _____\    \     _____                ___________   ______   _____
 \           \  \          \       /    / |    |  /      |_             /           \ |\     \ |     |
  \           \  \    /\    \     /    /  /___/| /         \           /    _   _    \\ \     \|     |
   |    /\     |  |   \_\    |   |    |__ |___|/|     /\    \         /    //   \\    \\ \           |
   |   |  |    |  |      ___/    |       \      |    |  |    \       /    //     \\    \\ \____      |
   |    \/     |  |      \  ____ |     __/ __   |     \/      \     /     \\_____//     \\|___/     /|
  /           /| /     /\ \/    \|\    \  /  \  |\      /\     \   /       \ ___ /       \   /     / |
 /___________/ |/_____/ |\______|| \____\/    | | \_____\ \_____\ /________/|   |\________\ /_____/  /
|           | / |     | | |     || |    |____/| | |     | |     ||        | |   | |        ||     | /
|___________|/  |_____|/ \|_____| \|____|   | |  \|_____|\|_____||________|/     \|________||_____|/

Dreamy is a simple web-application for your dreams. It's available by url dreamyapp.herokuapp.com. This app was developed as an example for backbone.offline.


  • Works offline;
  • Supports keyboard;
  • Example of event driven application;
  • Yet another Rails 4/Backbone.js/CoffeeScript example;
  • Uses Zurb foundation;
  • Integrates HTML5 Cache Manifest to Rails.

Check the source and learn how to write full-featured html5 apps with Backbone.


Aleksey Kulikov, MIT license.