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How to run RPS-BLAST+ and `cdd2cog`
A master student from Brazil contacted me via email with questions how to run RPS-BLAST+ and
correctly. I'm copying the correspondence in here in case it is useful for someone else:
Hi, I am a master student of genetics at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil. I was reading the cdd2goc description at
In the line referring to the use of RPS-Blast :
rpsblast -query protein.fasta -db Cog -out rps-blast.out -evalue 1e-2 -outfmt 6
I am confuse about the cog, which I highlighted. Is this another database we must download? If so, where could I find it, and to perform a search for protein sequences of a draft bacterial genome I assembled, how database should I get? Thank you in advance.
Hi Alexandre,
Cog is the preformatted RPS-BLAST+ database that can be found here:
You're right that could be clearer in the README.
You need to download all the files from the description and provide the paths to them with the respective options (or just put them into your working directory and use my provided examples in Usage).
The query (protein.fasta) is a multi-FASTA protein file, i.e. the proteins you want to assign COGs to. You can get such a file e.g. with my cds_extractor
from an annotated bacterial genome file, EMBL or GENBANK. If you don't have that yet I recommend Prokka:
Best, Andreas
From Alexandre:
Thank you for your answer: I ran the command for RPS-blast
rpsblast -i c_prot.faa -d /home/lgmmicrorganismo/Programas_Analise/cdd2cog/banco_de_dados/ -o rps-blast.out -evalue 1e-2 -outfmt 6
and got this message:
[rpsblast] ERROR: Expectation value (E) [value] is bad or out of range [? to ?]
what e-value should I use? I post this message here only because this seems to be the only remaning issue toi the right execution.
try 0.01:
rpsblast -query c_prot.faa -db /home/lgmmicrorganismo/Programas_Analise/cdd2cog/banco_de_dados/Cog -out rps-blast.out -evalue 0.01 -outfmt 6
HTH, Andreas
From Alexandre:
Ok, just one last question. After running cdd2cog on my protein I got this:
Overall assignment statistics: ~ Total query proteins categorized into COGs: 3190 ~ Total COGs used for the query proteins [of 4873 overall]: 1868 ~ Total number of assigned functional categories: 739 ~ Total functional categories used for the query proteins [of 25 overall]: 20
I think too few proteins, 739 of 3190 had functional categories assigned. Can this be improved?
Hi Alexandre,
sorry for replying that late.
Unfortunately, the rpsblast is not the most sensitive.
However, it's quite weird, that you only have so few functional categories. Normally the number of assigned functional categories should be higher than the proteins categorized into COGs, as many COGs are associated with several functional categories. What kind of a dataset are you using as queries? Must be proteins from very similar functional categories.
This is what I get if I run the pipeline with all CDS from an E. coli genome (4750 CDS):
Overall assignment statistics: ~ Total query proteins categorized into COGs: 3865 ~ Total COGs used for the query proteins [of 4873 overall]: 2212 ~ Total number of assigned functional categories: 4353 ~ Total functional categories used for the query proteins [of 25 overall]: 22
You can use option -a of
to get all COG hits to each query protein (not just the best hit with the lowest e-value for each query). And then filter afterwards in the output file rps-blast_cog.txt as you see fit.
From Alexandre:
Thank you for your answer. Regarding the dataset used as query, it is proteins from a bacteria. The proteins were extracted from the contigs using prodigal.
From Alexandre:
In the command line
rpsblast+ -db < database> -query < query_sequence > -out <result.out > -evalue 1e-2 -outfmt '7 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gaopen qend sstard send bitscore qcovs'
What's the default value for the highlighted parameters?
Hi Alexandre,
you can run either:
rpsblast -query protein.fasta -db Cog -out rps-blast.out -evalue 1e-2 -outfmt 6
rpsblast -query protein.fasta -db Cog -out rps-blast.out -evalue 1e-2 -outfmt '7 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qcovs'
The strings 'qseqid' etc. are a custom format for the output, this way you can include 'qcovs' to have the 'Query Coverage Per Subject'. See rpsblast -help
for further explanations.
But these are both only examples given in the
usage and you can adapt these commands as you want.
Hello, I found this discussion very useful, thanks. I would like to know, what do you expect from those proteins that could not be assigned to a COG, in my case i have several bacterial genomes, and in all cases, at least 1000 genes are not assigned. There are no conserved domains for them? Why can it be assigned as a hypothetical protein or function unknown?
Hi @luciagrami,
the initial COG release was very strict in including orthologs, especially regarding good annotation. Thus, the coverage of bacterial proteins is not very high, especially for bacteria that didn't have closed genomes at that time. COGs can only be assigned via CDD hits, i.e. where a COG is actually associated.
There is a COG functional category with "function unknown" ([S]), but of course it is associated with certain COGs. Thus, for all your proteins without a COG classification or even without a CDD hit you can of course set it to "function unknown" by yourself.
There's a new COG release from 2014 which has higher coverage of bacterial genomes, but haven't integrated it yet (see #2).
Hi Andreas, I follow all the step from tutorial and this discussion to get the classification by COG, however my statistics was: Overall assignment statistics: ~ Total query proteins categorized into COGs: 514490 ~ Total COGs used for the query proteins [of 4873 overall]: 1 ~ Total number of assigned functional categories: 0 ~ Total functional categories used for the query proteins [of 25 overall]: 0
I don't have any classification, I annotated the genome of bacteria using PROKKA. I try two ways to get the rps-blast.out. I used the file .faa (6.696 CDS) generated from PROKKA and the script to get a file from .gbk.
the command was: rpsblast -i PROKKA_02152017.faa -d Cog -o rps-blast.out -e 0.01 -m 6
Do you have any idea what's happening?
Thanks in advance!!
Hi @gracielad,
two problems. First, NCBI changed the CDD rpsblast
output format. Probably a result of changing all the FASTA headers, great ... Anyway now fixed in 1b2388fb9f5870a4aafa3e070823f9286178d3b1 (-> please download the new script version).
Second, you're using the legacy rpsblast
instead of the recommended/newer + version. The cdd2cog
workflow only works with the plus version (because of the proposed pre-formatted CDD rpsblast
+ database). Get the BLAST+ binaries for your system here:
On my system I currently have (note the +) :
Reverse Position Specific BLAST 2.5.0+
Please check your version with rpsblast -h
on the command line (legacy help option is --help
). Your rpsblast
call should then actually be (note the different option flags after the '-'):
rpsblast -query PROKKA_02152017.faa -db Cog -out rps-blast.out -e 0.01 -outfmt 6
For a working example (positive control), here are the commands for a complete run with E. coli K-12 MG1655:
# get script and all needed data
## CDD
gunzip cddid.tbl.gz
tar xvfz Cog_LE.tar.gz
## COG
## K-12 MG1655 protein multi-fasta
gunzip GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_protein.faa.gz
# rpsblast+
rpsblast -query GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_protein.faa -db Cog -out rps-blast.out -evalue 1e-2 -outfmt 6
# cdd2cog
perl -r rps-blast.out -c cddid.tbl -f fun.txt -w whog
And here is the corresponding output with MG1655: Overall assignment statistics: ~ Total query proteins categorized into COGs: 3587 ~ Total COGs used for the query proteins [of 4873 overall]: 2107 ~ Total number of assigned functional categories: 4039 ~ Total functional categories used for the query proteins [of 25 overall]: 21
Best, Andreas
Hi Andres,
It's work!! Thanks!!!
All the best!!
Following this example rpsblast claims the arguments are wrong, and it works after I adjust the command to
rpsblast -i GCF_000005845.2_ASM584v2_protein.faa -d Cog -o rps-blast.out -m 8
which gets the job done, however the conversion to COGs with
perl -r rps-blast.out -c cddid.tbl -f fun.txt -w whog
gets the result
Overall assignment statistics:
~ Total query proteins categorized into COGs: 4134
~ Total COGs used for the query proteins [of 4873 overall]: 1
~ Total number of assigned functional categories: 0
~ Total functional categories used for the query proteins [of 25 overall]: 0
which brings no information, since nothing was identified. It also outputs a lot of "Use of uninitialized value" which probably means the CDD's IDs are not being recognized. The rest of the commands were used as suggested.
I have exactly the same issue as @iquasere. Please let me know how to deal with it in case if you solved the problem. Thanks!
@utkinaira I did manage to find the answer here. Turns out the IDs of CDD changed format, changing the output of rps-blast
@iquasere Thank you so much, I'll try it!