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Series of webinars and documents on Reproducible Research
#+TITLE: Series of Webinars on Reproducible Research #+AUTHOR: Arnaud Legrand #+DATE: 2017 #+STARTUP: overview indent
This website gather documents and information related to the series of webinars on reproducible research organized with several colleagues with the support of ANR, CNRS, Inria, University of Grenoble, ...
This website is under construction, so please check it regularly, especially a few days before the webinar to install the software required in the practical session.
#+BEGIN_CENTER Next event: July 20th 2017 on [[file:11_popper/index.org][The Popper Convention: An Approach to Practical Falsifiable Research]]. In the meantime, why don't you just have a look at the previous editions? #+END_CENTER
- Table of Contents :TOC:
- [[#agenda][Agenda]]
- [[#general-information][General information]]
- [[#speakerscontributors][Speakers/contributors]]
- Agenda
- <2016-03-07 Mon.> [[file:1_replicable_article_laboratory_notebook/index.org][Introduction (reproducible research, challenges, ethic, ...). Producing replicable articles and managing a laboratory notebook]].
- <2016-04-05 Tue.> [[file:2_controling_your_environment/index.org][Controlling your environment]]
- <2016-05-03 Tue.> [[file:3_numerical_reproducibility/index.org][Numerical reproducibility]]
- <2016-06-07 Tue.> [[file:4_logging_and_backing_up_your_work/index.org][Logging and backing up your work]]
- <2016-11-08 Tue.> [[file:5_archiving_software_and_data/index.org][Preserving software: ensuring availability and traceability]]
- <2016-12-06 Tue.> [[file:6_reproducibility_bioinformatics/index.org][Reproducible Science in Bioinformatics: Current Status, Solutions and Research Opportunities]]
- <2017-02-14 Tue.> [[file:7_publications/index.org][Publication Modes Favoring Reproducible Research]]
- <2017-03-14 Tue.> [[file:8_artifact_evaluation/index.org][Artifact evaluation in computer systems' conferences]]
- <2017-06-06 Tue.> [[file:9_experimental_testbeds/index.org][Experimental testbeds in Computer Science]]
- <2017-06-22 Thu.> [[file:10_statistics_and_replication_in_HCI/index.org][Statistical and Reproducibility Issues in Human Computer Interactions]]
- <2017-07-20 Thu.> [[file:11_popper/index.org][An Approach to Practical Falsifiable Research: the Popper Convention]]
Typical topics planned:
- Provenance tracking of experimental data
- Large scale experimental testbeds
- Code and Data archiving
- Workflows
- Online journals, companion websites
- Evaluation campaign/challenges/benchmarks
- ...
- General information [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reproducibility][Reproducibility]] of experiments and analysis by others is one of the pillars of modern science. Yet, the description of experimental protocols, software, and analysis is often lacunar and rarely allows a third party to reproduce a study. Such inaccuracies has become more and more problematic and are probably the cause of the [[http://www.nature.com/news/2011/111005/full/478026a.html][increasing number of article withdrawal even in prestigious journals]] and the realization by both the scientific community and the general public that [[http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124][many research results and studies were actually flawed and wrong]]. [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_science][Open science]] is the umbrella term of the movement to make scientific research, data and dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society.
The aim of each of these webinars is to introduce the audience to one particular aspect of reproducible research and to illustrate how this aspect can be addressed with state-of-the-art tools. These webinars are open to anyone (PhD students, post-doc, engineers, researchers, ...) and are in English (probably with a strong French accent ;-). They will take place generally on the first Tuesday afternoon (1:30PM-4:30PM UTC+1) of each month. They generally consist of two parts:
- Part 1. A 1-hour talk followed by a short Q&A session.
- Part 2. Ideally, a hands-on session if the topic allows. 2-3 shorter specialized talks otherwise.
These presentations are screencast by [[https://mi2s.imag.fr/][MI2S]] and interactions during the presentations take place through an other channel (pad, hangout, ...). The resulting videos are then edited within a few days for a better exploitation by people that would not have been able to attend the event.
This website is still under construction and needs your help. It is written in org-mode and benefits from github's pretty printing capability. If you're logged on github, you can edit all files (like in a wiki) and send me the modifications via a pull request. Just try it, it's easy. Any comment and suggestion is welcome.
- Speakers/contributors
- [[https://www.lri.fr/~cohen/][Sarah Cohen Boulakia]], LRI, University Paris-Sud
- Jérôme Chopard, Inria/INRA
- [[http://www.dicosmo.org/][Roberto Di Cosmo]], University Paris Diderot
- [[https://team.inria.fr/polaris/members/vincent-danjean/][Vincent Danjean]], LIG INRIA/Polaris, University of Grenoble/LIG
- [[https://www.lri.fr/~dragice/][Pierre Dragicevic]], Inria/Aviz, University of Paris-Sud
- [[http://fursin.net/research.html][Grigori Fursin]], Dividiti, cTuning Foundation
- [[http://www-pequan.lip6.fr/~graillat/][Stef Graillat]], University Pierre et Marie Curie
- [[http://khinsen.net/][Konrad Hinsen]], CNRS/Molecular Biophysics Center, Orleans.
- [[http://yvonnejansen.me/][Yvonne Jansen]], CNRS, University of Paris "Pierre et Marie Curie"
- [[http://perso.univ-perp.fr/philippe.langlois/][Philippe Langlois]], University of Perpignan, DALI
- [[http://yvanlebras.fr/][Yvan Le Bras]], Museum national d'Histoire naturelle
- [[https://team.inria.fr/polaris/members/arnaud-legrand/][Arnaud Legrand]], CNRS/LIG Inria/Polaris, University of Grenoble.
- [[https://members.loria.fr/LNussbaum/][Lucas Nussbaum]], University of Lorraine/Loria/Inria.
- Michaël Mercier, LIG Inria/Datamove, University of Grenoble
- Pierre Neyron, CNRS/LIG , University of Grenoble
- [[http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/nathalie.revol/][Nathalie Revol]], Inria/AriC, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
- [[http://mescal.imag.fr/membres/olivier.richard/][Olivier Richard]], University of Grenoble/LIG, Inria/Datamove
- [[http://www.labri.fr/perso/nrougier/][Nicolas Rougier]], Inria/LaBRI, University of Bordeaux.
- [[http://www.serankua.net/cristianruiz/][Cristian Ruiz]], Inria/MADYNES
- [[http://mescal.imag.fr/membres/luka.stanisic/][Luka Stanisic]], Labri Inria Storm/Hiepacs, Bordeaux