vscode-bookmarks copied to clipboard
[FEATURE] - arrange bookmark order by dray & drop,very important feature
new feature needed: 1.The order of bookmarks need based on my own preferences (currently by source code line number).The order of the bookmark is very important to me. 2.Drag & drop bookmarks to sort and arrange to myliking. 3.Add group function to store bookmarks.Group is like a folder to store different kinds of bookmarks
if recerive the issue message please reply me.
Upvote! This is really necessary when you have a lot of bookmarks...
I would highly appreciate all of these features as well.
+1, need this features
+1, like it.
In fact, vscode now support drag and drop api in TreeView official example. R u willing to add the functionality to do that? Or you can open source the CORE code so that other developers can do Pull Requests.
@alefragnani plase consider the feature 😊
The extension would be perfect with this feature
Just try my bookmark plugin, you can arrange bookmark order by naming, and you can create nested group just search bookmarkx in vscode plugin marketplace.
Would be nice to have this feature. I am working now on a complex assessment and analysis project, where the team has to explore a vast code base and code flows - having folders and ordering would speed up the process a lot.
I have been asking order feature quite long ago. Sad.
Just try my bookmark plugin, you can arrange bookmark order by naming, and you can create nested group just search bookmarkx in vscode plugin marketplace.
Hi Tommyme, I have tried your "bookmark X" for weeks, it can sorted labels, which other bookmark don't have. But with "bookmark X", it very often need too much time to list all bookmarks, or show current bookmark on certain lines, often take about 40s-60s, which make me very annoyed when I am busy in on investigate some code. Can you improve it? Otherwise, your "bookmark X" is the best by now.
I think it is very important for me to arrange bookmark order by naming, when I added a lot of bookmarks for reading a big project.
okey, I'll work on it later.
I don't understand what do you mean by show current bookmark on certain lines
bookmark x plugin can do reveal bookmark in current line
, which need to be called with command palette
more issues can be discussed in bookmark X repo
I don't understand what do you mean by
show current bookmark on certain lines
Yes. "bookmark_x.revealBookmark" is exactly what I want to do (I just add a shortcut ctlr+alt+N to do that). But sometimes (maybe happen 5-6 times when I am investigating the code for half hour), even just above ctlr+alt+N command need to be finished in 30-60s.
But I don't 100% sure this problem is caused by "bookmark X" extension itself, or something else affect "bootmark X". It can happen on my Windows, Ubuntu machines. Not matter investigating code which located in local machine, or by SSH to anther machine.
ok,thanks alot, I'll try to reproduce it on my machine.
ok,thanks alot, I'll try to reproduce it on my machine.
Hi Tommyme. For last 2 days, I enabled View->Appearance->Secondary Side Bar. So I let BookMark X always displayed in this Secondary Side Bar. I did not see the issue (when add/delete bookmarks, or show current bookmark in current code line) I reported several days ago.