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My configuration files and scripts for Arch Linux with I3-gaps window manager!

Dotfiles 🐧

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Welcome! These are my configuration files for Arch Linux, with I3-GAPS window manager. Here you can encounter the list of software that I use daily, and another customization themes.

Essential Software

  • polybar - A fast and easy-to-use status bar
  • thunar - Modern, fast and easy-to-use file manager
  • alacritty - A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator
  • firefox - Standalone web browser from mozilla.org
  • rofi - Window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
    • bluetooth - Script that generates a rofi menu that uses bluetoothctl
    • wifi - Bash script using nmcli and rofi to make a wifi menu
  • vscode - Visual studio code editor
  • zsh - extended bourne shell with a large number of improvements
  • qpdfview - A tabbed PDF viewer using the poppler library
  • geeqie - Claiming to be the best image viewer / photo collection browser
  • neovim - Vim fork focused on extensibility and and usability.
  • flameshot - Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software

Funny Stuff

  • neofetch - Command-line system information tool
  • pipes.sh - Animated pipes terminal screensaver
  • gotop - A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop
  • cmatrix - Terminal based "The Matrix" like implementation
  • asciiquarium - Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!
  • cava - Console-based Audio Visualizer for Alsa


  • dracula - Dark theme for GTK
  • papirus - Papirus icon theme for Linux
  • picom [FORK] - A lightweight compositor for X11
  • autotiling - Script that automatically switch the horizontal / vertical window split orientation
  • feh - Fast image viewer and wallpaper setter
  • lxappearance - GTK theme switcher
  • papirus folders - Allows to change the color of folders
  • i3lock - Blurry lock screen for i3lock with multimonitor support

The Lazy Script

I also made a small python script that automatically changes the gaps and select a random wallpaper, finally reloads the I3 configuration. You can assign a keyboard shortcut to do this faster.

How to install ?

Use my little shell script, it will automatically install many of the applications and copy the configuration files to your folders. Note: the script is not complete, some things must be done manually.


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