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πŸ‡³ πŸ‡ͺ πŸ‡Ή πŸ‡± πŸ‡Ύ - Cross-Platform and Multi-Protocol C# Socket Library. (Extremely fast and easy)

The active development branch is 'dev', while the production branch is 'main'.

Netly version 4 will be released soon, help validating the new way of interacting with netly. See more

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Get basic information about this project called Netly


Netly is a powerful C# socket library that simplifies network communication. It supports HTTP, TCP, SSL/TLS, UDP, Reliable UDP (RUDP) and WebSocket protocols, making it ideal for building multiplayer games, chat applications, and more.



Official publisher

Nuget Unity Asset Store
Install on Nuget Install on Asset Store

KeZero sponsor notice
JetBrains sponsor notice

Why Contribute to Netly

Solve Real-World Challenges: Netly simplifies socket programming, making it accessible for developers. By contributing, you’ll directly impact how games, chat applications, and real-time systems communicate.

Learn and Grow: Dive into the world of networking, encryption, and protocols. Gain practical experience by working on a versatile library used across platforms.

Be Part of Something Bigger: Netly is open source, and your contributions will benefit the entire community. Join a passionate group of developers who believe in collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Code, Ideas, and Feedback: Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, your code, ideas, and feedback matter. Every line of code, every suggestion, and every bug report contributes to Netly’s growth.


Notable changes

4.x.x Development HTTP client and server support Reliable UDP (RUDP) client and server support WebSocket client and server Syntax and internal improvement Code XML comments improvement Documentation improvement by DocFx
3.x.x Stable TCP with TLS/SSL support UDP with connection (timeout response) New Message Framing protocol and performance increase Update for Byter 2.0 Docsify as documentation framework
2.x.x Legacy TCP with Message Framing support TCP and UDP performance increase
1.x.x Legacy TCP support UDP Support


Technical descriptions about integrations

List of tested platforms
  • .NET (SDK)
  • Mono (SDK)
  • Unity (Engine)
  • Operating system (OS)
    • Linux
    • Windows
    • Android
    • iOS and macOS

    • Notice: This library might run on all devices. If it doesn't work on any device, it should be considered a bug and reported.


Build dependencies
Build step-by-step
# 1. clone project
$ git clone "" netly 

# 2. build project
$ dotnet build "netly/" -c Release -o "netly/bin/"

# Netly.dll require Byter.dll because is Netly dependency
# Netly.dll and Byter.dll have on build folder <netly-path>/bin/


Below are some missing features that are planned to be added in later versions.

  • N/A


Code highlights

πŸ“„ Client
using Netly;

TCP.Client client = new TCP.Client(framing: true);
client.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

client.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connetion closed");

client.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection erro on open");

client.On.Data((bytes) =>
    printf("connection receive a raw data");

client.On.Event((name, data) =>
    printf("connection receive a event");

client.On.Modify((socket) =>
    printf("called before try open connection.");

client.On.Encryption((certificate, chain, errors) =>
    // Only if client.IsEncrypted is enabled
    printf("validate ssl/tls certificate");
    // return true if certificate is valid
    return true;
// open connection if closed
client.To.Open(new Host("", 8080));

// close connection if opened

// send raw data if connected
client.To.Data(new byte[2] { 128, 255 });
client.To.Data("hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8);

// send event if connected
client.To.Event("name", new byte[2] { 128, 255 });
client.To.Event("name", "hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8); 

// enable encryption (must call before client.To.Open)
πŸ“„ Server
using Netly;

TCP.Server server = new TCP.Server(framing: true);
server.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

server.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connection closed");

server.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection error on open");

server.On.Accept((client) =>
    client.On.Modify((socket) =>
        printf("modify client socket e.g Enable NoDelay");

    client.On.Open(() =>
        printf("client connected");
    client.On.Data((bytes) =>
        printf("client receive a raw data");
    client.On.Event((name, bytes) =>
        printf("client receive a event");
    client.On.Close(() =>
        printf("client disconnected");

server.On.Modify((socket) =>
    printf("called before try open connection.");
// open connection
server.To.Open(new Host("", 1111)); 

// close connection

// enable encryption support (must called before server.To.Open)
server.To.Encryption(enable: true, @mypfx, @mypfxpassword, SslProtocols.Tls12);

// broadcast raw data for all connected client
server.To.DataBroadcast("text buffer");
server.To.DataBroadcast(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });

// broadcast event (netly event) for all connected client
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", "text buffer");
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
πŸ“„ Client
using Netly;

UDP.Client client = new UDP.Client();
client.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

client.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connection closed");

client.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection error on open");

client.On.Data((bytes) =>
    printf("connection received a raw data");

client.On.Event((name, eventBytes) =>
    printf("connection received a event");

client.On.Modify((socket) =>
   printf("called before try open connection.");
// open connection if closed
client.To.Open(new Host("", 8080));

// close connection if opened

// send raw data if connected
client.To.Data(new byte[2] { 128, 255 });
client.To.Data("hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8);

// send event if connected
client.To.Event("name", new byte[2] { 128, 255 });
client.To.Event("name", "hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8); 
πŸ“„ Server
using Netly;

UDP.Server server = new UDP.Server();
server.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

server.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connection closed");

server.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection error on open");

server.On.Accept((client) =>
    client.On.Open(() =>
        printf("client connected");
    client.On.Close(() =>
        // Only if use connection is enabled.
        printf("client disconnected");
    client.On.Data((bytes) =>
        printf("client received a raw data");
    client.On.Event((name, bytes) =>
        printf("client received a event");
// open connection
server.To.Open(new Host("", 8080));

// close connection

// broadcast raw data for all connected client
server.To.DataBroadcast("text buffer");
server.To.DataBroadcast(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });

// broadcast event (netly event) for all connected client
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", "text buffer");
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
πŸ“„ Client
using Netly;

HTTP.Client client = new HTTP.Client();

// add http header for request
client.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "json");
client.Headers.Add("Token", "ImGui.h");

// add http url queries e.g:
client.Queries.Add("page", "about");
client.Queries.Add("version", "4");

// set request timeout (ms) default 15s (15000ms), 0 or negative value means infinite timeout.
client.Timeout = 6000; // 6s

// is opened: while is requesting
bool isFetching = client.IsOpened;
HttpClient http = null;

// called before try connect to server
// modify the HttpClient object
client.On.Modify((HttpClient instance) =>
    http = instance;

// connection is opened and fetch server.
client.On.Open((response) =>
    // you can use "http" instance on this scope (isn't null)
    if (http.<foo> == <bar>) { ... }

// erro on fetch, it can be timeout or whatever error
// but if you receives error it mean the operation is called or done
client.On.Error((Exception exception) =>

// connection is closed with fetch server.
client.On.Close(() =>
     if (http.<bar> == <foo>) { ... }

// used to fetch a server
client.To.Open("method e.g GET", "url", "body, allow null");

// used for cancel opened request

πŸ“„ Server
using Netly;

HTTP.Server server = new HTTP.Server();

// return true if server is serve http context
bool isServe = server.IsOpened;

server.On.Open(() =>
    // http server opened 
server.On.Close(() =>
    // http server closed 

server.On.Error((exception) =>
    // http server open error

server.On.Modify((httpListener) =>
    // HttpListener instance, called before try open connection.    

// Open http server connection
server.To.Open(new Uri(""));

// Close http server connection
// Map path
server.Map.Get("/", async (req, res) => {
    // Handle async: GET

server.Map.Post("/user", (req, res) => {
    // Handle sync: POST

// map using dynamic URL
server.Map.Delete("/post/{userId}/group/{groupId}", async (req, res)) => 
    string userId = req.Param["userId"];
    string groupId = req.Param["groupId"];
    // Handle async: Delete from dynamic URL path 

server.Map.WebSocket("/echo", (req, ws) =>
    // Handle websocket connection from path

You can map: 
 * Get     # get request
 * Post    # post request
 * Delete  # delete request
 * Put     # put request
 * Patch   # patch request
 * Trace   # trace request
 * Options # options request
 * Head    # head request, (only head)
 * All     # all http nethod request
 * WebSocket   # websocket request
/* Note: Callback return
    true: next callback can be executed
    false: next or others callback can't executed

    Note: Middlewares is executed in added order
    Global middleware have more priority than Local middleware

server.Middleware.Add(async (req, res) => {
    // e.g Verify user location
    // success, execute next callback
    return true;

// Global middleware
server.Middleware.Add(async (req, res) => {
    // e.g verify banned IP
    // success, execute next callback
    return true;

// Local middleware
server.Middleware.Add("/admin", async (req, res) => {
    // e.g Detect if the ip is allowed to access
    if(Foo.Bar(req) == false)
        if (Foo.Bar() == true)
            await res.Redirect("");
            res.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
            await res.Send(404, "Response Content Here");   
    // fail, stop and close connection if is opened
    return false;

// Local Middleware
server.Middleware.Add("/dashboard", async (req, res) =>
    // e.g Check session from cookies.
    return Foo.Bar(req.Cookies);
πŸ“„ Client
using Netly;

RUDP.Client client = new RUDP.Client();
client.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

client.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connection closed");

client.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection error on open");

client.On.Data((bytes, type) =>
    printf("connection received a raw data");

client.On.Event((name, bytes, type) =>
    printf("connection received a event");

client.On.Modify((socket) =>
    printf("called before try open connection.");
// open connection if closed
client.To.Open(new Host("", 8080));

// close connection if opened

// send raw data if connected
client.To.Data(new byte[2] { 128, 255 }, RUDP.Unreliable);
client.To.Data("hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8, RUDP.Reliable);

// send event if connected
client.To.Event("name", new byte[2] { 128, 255 }, RUDP.Unreliable);
client.To.Event("name", "hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8, RUDP.Reliable);
πŸ“„ Server
using Netly;

RUDP.Server server = new RUDP.Server();
server.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

server.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connection closed");

server.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection error on open");

server.On.Accept((client) =>
    client.On.Open(() =>
        printf("client connected");
    client.On.Close(() =>
        // Only if use connection is enabled.
        printf("client disconnected");
    client.On.Data((bytes, type) =>
        if (type == RUDP.Reliable) { ... }
        else if (type == RUDP.Unreliable) { ... }
        else { /* NOTE: it's imposible */ }
        printf("client received a raw data");
    client.On.Event((name, type) =>
        if (type == RUDP.Reliable) { ... }
        else if (type == RUDP.Unreliable) { ... }
        else { /* NOTE: it's imposible */ }
        printf("client received a event");
// open connection
server.To.Open(new Host("", 8080));

// close connection

// broadcast raw data for all connected client
server.To.DataBroadcast("text buffer", RUDP.Unreliable);
server.To.DataBroadcast(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, RUDP.Reliable);

// broadcast event (netly event) for all connected client
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", "text buffer", RUDP.Unreliable);
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, RUDP.Reliable);
πŸ“„ Client
using Netly;

HTTP.WebSocket client = new HTTP.WebSocket();
client.On.Open(() =>
    // websocket connection opened

client.On.Close(() =>
    // websocket connection closed

client.On.Error((exception) =>
    // error on open websocket connectin

client.On.Data((bytes, type) =>
    if (type == HTTP.Binary) { ... }
    else if (type == HTTP.Text) { ... }
    else { /* NOTE: it's imposible */ }
    // raw data received from server

client.On.Event((name, bytes, type) =>
    if (type == HTTP.Binary) { ... }
    else if (type == HTTP.Text) { ... }
    else { /* NOTE: it's imposible */ }
    // event received from server

client.On.Modify((wsSocket) =>
    // modify websocket socket
// open websocket client connection
client.To.Open(new Uri("ws://"));

// close websocket client connection

// send raw data for server
//      text message
client.To.Data("my message", HTTP.Text);
//      binnary message
client.To.Data(NE.GetBytes("my buffer"), HTTP.Binary);

// send event (netly event) for server
//      text message
client.To.Event("event name", "my message", HTTP.Text);
//      binnary message
client.To.Data("event name", NE.GetBytes("my buffer"), HTTP.Binary); 
πŸ“„ Server
using Netly;
using Netly.Interfaces;

HTTP.Server server = new HTTP.Server();

IHTTP.WebSocket[] Clients = server.WebSocketClients;
server.Map.WebSocket("/chat/{token}", async (req, ws) =>
    // Accept websocket from dynamic path
    string token = req.Params["token"];
    // validate websocket connection from params
    if (Foo.Bar(token) == false)

server.Map.Websocket("/echo", (req, ws) =>
    // Handle websocket on /echo path
    ws.On.Modify((wsSocket) =>
        // modify server-side websocket ocket
    ws.On.Open(() =>
        // server-side websocket connection opened
    ws.On.Close(() =>
        // server-side websocket connection closed
    ws.On.Data((bytes, type) =>
        if (type == HTTP.Binary) { ... }
        else if (type == HTTP.Text) { ... }
        else { /* NOTE: it's imposible */ }
        // server-side websocket received raw data
    ws.On.Event((name, bytes, type) =>
        if (type == HTTP.Binary) { ... }
        else if (type == HTTP.Text) { ... }
        else { /* NOTE: it's imposible */ }
        // server-side websocket received event
server.On.Open(() =>
    // http server opened 
server.On.Close(() =>
    // http server closed 

server.On.Error((exception) =>
    // http server open error

server.On.Modify((httpListener) =>
    // HttpListener instance, called before try open connection.    

// Open http server connection
server.To.Open(new Uri(""));

// Close http server connection
// open websocket client connection
server.To.Open(new Uri("ws://"));

// close websocket client connection

// broadcast raw data for all connected websocket socket
//      text message
server.To.WebsocketDataBroadcast("my message", HTTP.Text);
//      binnary message
server.To.WebsocketDataBroadcast(NE.GetBytes("my buffer"), HTTP.Binary);

// broadcast event (netly event) for all connected websocket socket
//      text message
server.To.WebsocketEventBroadcast("event name", "my message", HTTP.Text);
//      binnary message
server.To.WebsocketEventBroadcast("event name", NE.GetBytes("my buffer"), HTTP.Binary); 

Community examples From issues


Integration and interaction example codes

πŸ“„ Console
using System;
using Netly;

public class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        UDP.Client client = new UDP.Client();
        client.On.Open(() =>
        client.On.Close(() =>
        client.On.Error((exception) =>
                client.To.Open(new Host("", 1111));
                Console.WriteLine("Message: ");
                string message = Console.ReadLine();
                client.To.Data(message ?? "No message.", NE.Encoding.UTF8);
Flax Engine
πŸ“„ Script
using System;
using FlaxEngine;
using Netly;

public class Example : Script
    public string message;
    internal UDP.Client client;
    public override void Awake()
        client = new UDP.Client();        
        client.On.Open(() =>
        client.On.Close(() =>
        client.On.Error((exception) =>
    public override void Start()
        client.To.Open(new Host("", 1111));
    public override void Update()
             client.To.Open(new Host("", 1111));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                client.To.Data(message ?? "No message.", NE.Encoding.UTF8);
Unity Engine
πŸ“„ MonoBehaviour
using System;
using FlaxEngine;
using Netly;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
    public string message;
    internal UDP.Client client;
    private void Awake()
        client = new UDP.Client();        
        client.On.Open(() =>
        client.On.Close(() =>
        client.On.Error((exception) =>
    private void Start()
        client.To.Open(new Host("", 1111));
    private void Update()
             client.To.Open(new Host("", 1111));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                client.To.Data(message ?? "No message.", NE.Encoding.UTF8);
WARNING: You should never initialize events in an uncontrolled loop, (**.On) stores functions that will be called when something happens and these functions only need to be initialized once. Understand, It doesn't mean that every event will only have one callback attached to it, but it means not to keep calling (**.On) frequently like in Loops. See examples below of good and bad use.

For methods (**.To) there is an internal barrier that limits things like (trying to open or close connections several times, sending data with a disconnected socket, ...) although these methods do not cause problems when called in a loop, it is always good have the action and state in sync, for example only sending data when confirming that the connection is open.

πŸ“„ Code
using System;
using Netly;

private HTTP.WebSocket ws;
// OK
private void Init()
    ws.On.Open(() => { ... });
    ws.On.Event((name, bytes) => { ... });

    ws.On.Event((name, bytes) =>
        if (name == "foo") { ... }

    ws.On.Event((name, bytes) =>
        if (name == "bar") { ... }
// BAD
public void Loop()
    client.To.Open(...);    // [OK]
    client.To.Data(...);    // [OK]
    client.To.Event(...);   // [OK]
    client.To.Close(...);   // [OK]   
    ws.On.Open(() => { ... });       // [NEVER IN LOOP]
    ws.On.Close(() => { ... });      // [NEVER IN LOOP]
    ws.On.Data((bytes) => { ... });  // [NEVER IN LOOP]    
    ws.On.Error((exception) => { ... });    // [NEVER IN LOOP]
    ws.On.Event((name, bytes) => { ... });  // [NEVER IN LOOP]    