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Client-Side Digital Document Generator (PvtPpr)
After seeing this some years ago, I think in late 2018 or early 2019, some friends of mine and myself wanted to take the ittybittysite concept and really run with it. Since we noticed this can all be done client side, I figured out how to pass data from inputs through the ittybittysite encoding to output a medium style article. Since we came up with our first PvtPpr generator in Jan 2020, we now have 4 generators being used across the globe.
Encoding everything client side, the generators we've made using ittybitty as a protocol are as follows: PvtPpr Full PvrPpr Lite our most used version PvtPpr MSG PvtPpr Safe-Submit
At the moment, the generators are running off of IttyBittySite as an IttyBittyApp but we are working at getting our own IttyBittySite server running via IPFS to remove the link to a PvtPpr branded link.
The PvtPpr Repo is on github (.../Digimancer3D/PvtPpr).
Thank you Alcor for putting the IttyBittySite project together to help birth new ideas.