BetterTelegram copied to clipboard
iOS tweak for Telegram app.
Tweak for Telegram app for jailbroken iOS devices.
What it can do right now:
-Bypass blocked channels/groups/chats -Completely disable microphone functionality -Disable screenshot alert in secret chats (Users won't see that you screenshotted) -Hide badge on tab bar -Pin all chats -Make all chats encrypted (ui only) -Fake admin features in all chats (ui only) -Hide profile pic in chats (may not work in recent telegram versions) -Hide status bar -Hide typing indicator -Hide messages bubbles (may break "reply" functionality in older telegram versions) -Customize the tab bar -All verified
Features that can/will be added: -Eclipse/NightMode support -Disable the voip functionality -iOS 11 style UI
What it's missing to be completed: -Preference bundle
I need help to make it.
Note: debs are not always updated