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Bechmark for HTTP,HTTPS,SPDY Server.

iBenchmark is a benchmark send queries to a web application which similar to wrk and Apache Bench(ab).But iBenchmark is more powerful then them.It not only can send queries on alive connections but also can established short connections which send queries on depand on your willings.So you can use it to test the web application's both QPS (queries per second) and CPS (connections per second) performance.


iBenchmark can take full advantage of your servers' resources.The M parameter set the max cpu cores to use,so you can make enough pressure to the web service which depends on you servers' resources.It init M goroutines to run M workers.And each worker has two goroutines:one to handle the http/https/spdy request,when the request roundTrip is finished,it notify the second.The second to generate some info and finially nofity the worker how many requests has finished.Then the worker exits depending on the numbers of finished requests. When all of the workers exits,the main exit and prints the report. ibench_frame ####Result ibench_result

iBenchmark使用Go语言自研发,为测试HTTPS Server的QPS、CPS性能指标而设计。囊括了ab、wrk的特性,意在为HTTPS的性能测试量身打造,亦支持HTTP的性能测试。




支持参数调整iBenchmark的已建立的链接特性,可设置是否为长连接。故可参数调整性能测试目的—测试QPS(Queries Per Second)、CPS(Connection Per Second)性能。以及在短连接上可参数调配每个短连接可发送的请求数。



支持自适应URL解析:schema(http or https),host,port,path.







#Install Simple as it takes to type the following command(online):


Or if you wanna build it on the local if you have already download the src,you can type following command(offline):

In this way,the lib won't install on go lib dir,this will install them on the {$pwd}/.ibenchmark.

#License Copyright 2015 Albus [email protected]. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.