
Results 34 comments of NullPointer

Could you send me screenshots? For now I'm not understanding what the problem is, sorry...

``` TutoShowcase.from(getActivity()) .setContentView(R.layout.showcase_screen) .onClickContentView(, new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick (View view) { // here I want to implement dimiss() for showcase on button click } }) .on(addAccountButton) .addCircle()...

Isn't my code working for you?

I have the same problem. I just want to close the showcase on custom button click. Not on whole view.

I found it out by myself. The show() method sets always a onClickListener to the whole container. To override this functionality you have to call the `.onClickContentView(id, listener)` after the...

@harriakash maybe I have found some kind of "workaround" which can help you: ``` Future _waitForBluetoothPoweredOn() async { const timeout = const Duration(seconds: 3); Completer completer = Completer(); StreamSubscription subscription;...

@flukejones , could you share your code snippets of how you achieved your goal to fix all your issues?

Actually on xCode 13.0 the app is not able to build. I have to change code in MultiPlatformBLE Lib that the app is building. Could you please provide us with...

> I am facing the same issue. The change proposed by @albo1337 works locally on my machine but this causes issues in our build pipeline. Please advise. My workaround is...