> Connecting the new xbox series x controller fails. Pairing seems successful (the gamepad rumbles), but the X button on the controller continues to blink. Both dmesg and bluetoothctl claim...
I tried to compile fluoride but without success, i get error using gn as a build system.
Now my controller works. I had to install windows to a virtual machine, start the app xbox accessories and upgrade the firmware, the upgrade was unsuccessful and the app don't...
I upgraded the firmware of the controller with the windows app in a virtual machine. The upgrade was unsuccessful but now in linux bluetooth works.
Only a little thing is changed: when the controller is connected by bluetooth the share button is mapped to select (the left button), when is connected by usb the select...
> Yeah, there may a problem with updating in a virtual machine in that the controller reboots into a flash mode, and thus disconnects from the VM. You'd need to...
also X and Y are inverted