GANimation copied to clipboard
Testing problem
The model has been trained, and the following problems appeared in the final test. How can I solve them?
------------ Options -------------
aus_file: aus_openface.pkl
batch_size: 4
checkpoints_dir: ./checkpoints
cond_nc: 17
data_dir: None
dataset_mode: aus
do_saturate_mask: False
gpu_ids: [0]
image_size: 128
images_folder: imgs
input_path: /media/zhangqi/8ACA684CCA68369B/tensorflow/GANimation-maste/img
is_train: False
load_epoch: 30
model: ganimation
n_threads_test: 1
name: experiment_1
output_dir: ./output
serial_batches: False
test_ids_file: test_ids.csv
train_ids_file: train_ids.csv
-------------- End ----------------
Network generator_wasserstein_gan was created
Network discriminator_wasserstein_gan was created
loaded net: ./checkpoints/experiment_1/net_epoch_30_id_G.pth
Model GANimation was created
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 74, in
Invoked with: <dlib.fhog_object_detector object at 0x7fcbaf7b1180>, None, 1
Same problem. Have you solved it yet?
Your input path is "/media/zhangqi/8ACA684CCA68369B/tensorflow/GANimation-maste/img". You didn't choose the picture, try to "python --input_path ./sample_dataset/imgs/N_0000000437_00540.jpg" the output img is in ./output.