Alberto Dietrich
Alberto Dietrich
The connection protocol does not define the data within, it could send a JSON data in a UDP package.
I could place a UDP config window to send broadcast data, so any program on the network can receive the package.
One other thing: there is the OBD-II standards to send vehicle data, it could be useful to make compatible with the game data to use on already developed telemetry software.
With this specifications, I can implement the default ones and add new data types to the not used codes left in the protocol.
> This is interesting but I don't see tires information in there neither suspensions data. Other than that I think it's a really good idea. And correct me if I'm...
> Sounds good to me. > One optional question in the side if you don't mind, do you do that all for free? How do you get paid for your...
Uhmmm, can you provide me more information? Plugin version, was you using an older version before this one? List of other loaded plugins. Thanks
So, if its a thing happening with wrong configuration, the newer version invalidates the conf.ini if there is a new version and resets itself, can you test it again? I`ve...