jquery_datepicker copied to clipboard
Rails 3 plugin that allows you to select dates from a calendar
It seems when I do: ``` ruby = f.datepicker :expire, dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy', minDate: 'new Date()' ``` Things work correctly (that is, I can't go lower than todays date) However, this...
Sorry, this is more of a support issue than a bug (though maybe it's a bug with the docs?). I have a datetime_picker field working perfectly for creating. I get...
It appears as though jQuery is assumed to be loaded in the DOM before the script tag that gets generated by jquery_datepicker, which results in a 'jQuery is not defined'...
Here are the current tags: datepicker_input datetime_picker_input Should be: date_picker_input datetime_picker_input Consistency is important. I should not have to consult the documentation to switch from date to datetime, using the...
I'm glad you added a datetime_picker_input method, but I would also like to be able to: a) Pass in a time as a :value to datetime_picker_input and have it be...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3329381/how-do-i-connect-jquery-datepicker-to-my-ruby-on-rails-form https://github.com/kristianmandrup/formtastic_datepicker-rails3x/issues/1 Cheers!