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ThreeJS module that allows you to rotate an Object (mesh) independently from the rest of the scene, and to zoom in/out moving the camera.

ThreeJS Object Controls

npm version

ThreeJS module that allows you to rotate one or more Objects(mesh) independently from the rest of the scene, and to zoom in/out moving the camera.

view live example


npm install --save threejs-object-controls


import * as THREE from 'three';
import {ObjectControls} from 'threeJS-object-controls';

Create a new instance of Controls, passig 3 arguments:

  • camera
  • renderer element
  • the mesh(s) to move
var controls = new ObjectControls(camera, renderer.domElement, myMesh);


var controls = new ObjectControls(camera, renderer.domElement, [myMesh, myOtherMesh]);

(look at the index.html file to see an usage example, or check the github example repo to see an npm usage example with Angular)

You can also change the mesh you want rotate! :tada:

Auto rotation example is also included in the demo code.

view live example and click the 'useMesh2' button on the right panel to interact with the second cube.


You can set different options like

  • rotation speed
  • zoom speed
  • min-max distance of the camera
  • mesh(s) to rotate
  • enable disable axis rotations
  • set max rotation angle


- controls.setDistance(8, 200); // sets the min - max distance able to zoom
- controls.setZoomSpeed(1); // sets the zoom speed ( 0.1 == slow, 1 == fast)
- controls.disableZoom(); // disables zoom
- controls.enableZoom(); // enables zoom
- controls.setObjectToMove(newMesh); // changes the object to interact with
- controls.setObjectToMove([mshBox,mshBox2]); // changes the objects to interact with
- controls.setRotationSpeed(0.05); // sets a new rotation speed for desktop ( 0.1 == slow, 1 == fast)
- controls.setRotationSpeedTouchDevices(value); // sets a new rotation speed for mobile
- controls.enableVerticalRotation(); // enables the vertical rotation
- constrols.disableVerticalRotation();  // disables the vertical rotation
- controls.enableHorizontalRotation(); // enables the horizontal rotation
- controls.disableHorizontalRotation();// disables the horizontal rotation
- controls.setMaxVerticalRotationAngle(Math.PI / 4, Math.PI / 4); // sets a max angle value for the vertical rotation of the object
- controls.setMaxHorizontalRotationAngle(R,R); // sets a max angle value for the horizontal rotation of the object
- controls.disableMaxHorizontalAngleRotation(); // disables angle limits for horizontal rotation
- controls.disableMaxVerticalAngleRotation(); // disables angle limits for vertical rotation
- controls.isUserInteractionActive() //returns true if the user is interacting with the UI, false otherwise


TypeScript Gotchas

In case of problems with ts types required by threejs in a typescript project do the following:

  1. go to the tsconfig.json file
  2. add skipLibCheck: true in "compilerOptions" object.
    "compilerOptions": {
        "module": "commonjs",
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "strict": true,
        "target": "es5",
        "declaration": true,
        "declarationDir": "dist-debug/",
        "skipLibCheck": true, /// Needs to be true to fix wrong alias types being used

Working with multiple meshes

If more than one mesh is passed in as the object to move, all objects will stop move as soon as the first hits its rotation limit.


