keyhunt copied to clipboard
pub2rmd mode issue
./keyhunt -c btc -m pub2rmd -f 160 -q -R -n 10000000 -t 3 -r 20000000000000:ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
./keyhunt -c btc -m pub2rmd -f 160 -q -R -n 10000000 -t 3 -r 20000000000000:ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -s 1
2 questions
- why range is not working in this mode , i guess i should see "Setting up base key". but no information
- in Random mode after every 10m scan CLI should display like new base key info within range , or even range is not working in this mode, still this should print new base key always.
same question
Try it without the -R
option, that option overwrite the -r 20000000000000:ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
albertobsd $ ./keyhunt -m pub2rmd -f tests/puzzleswopublickey.txt -r 20000000000000:ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[+] Version 0.1.20210420 secp256k1
[+] Setting mode pub2rmd
[+] Opening file tests/puzzleswopublickey.txt
[+] Allocating memory for 29 elements: 0.00 MB
[+] Initializing bloom filter for 29 elements.
[+] Loading data to the bloomfilter total: 0.00 MB
[+] Bloomfilter completed
[+] Sorting data ... done! 29 values were loaded and sorted
[+] Thread 020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000
Total 51380224 keys in 60 seconds: 856337 keys/s
if you add the -R option the output change:
albertobsd $ ./keyhunt -m pub2rmd -f tests/puzzleswopublickey.txt -r 20000000000000:ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -R
[+] Version 0.1.20210420 secp256k1
[+] Setting mode pub2rmd
[+] Setting random mode.
[+] Opening file tests/puzzleswopublickey.txt
[+] Allocating memory for 29 elements: 0.00 MB
[+] Initializing bloom filter for 29 elements.
[+] Loading data to the bloomfilter total: 0.00 MB
[+] Bloomfilter completed
[+] Sorting data ... done! 29 values were loaded and sorted
[+] Thread 020000000000000000000000000000000000f6dc2b8c96c4530d55e1de00000000
Idk what are you trying to do, the pub2rmd was a test, it is only try to find the publickey of a unknow RMD160 hash but the odds are worse than than the odd of find the privatekey.
i think in BSGS -R is not over writing -r. Right? so why this one overwrite in pub2rmd?
i think in BSGS -R is not over writing -r. Right? so why this one overwrite in pub2rmd?
Let me check this with calm, maybe i have some mistake in the code, this mode pub2rmd was a experiment and i write it in some hour while i was drunk so maybe i mess it
Do you have a fix or a version where pub2rmd works? I keep getting 0 keys per second in this mode, with the test files and files I've created.
Sorry for that but this experimental mode will be removed in a few days
why its removed?
why its removed?
because find a public key is twice difficult than find a 256 private key