And how you define a column in pg 11 as ci?
The var is used and allow mysql how maybe set the db wrong to allow to keep what they got and only to change smf in a cs mode and...
@sbulen when i look into the rc3 issues, ther are no bugs, all entries are features request.
should be a mysql only issue
what is the definition of done in this issue?
get the new image standard for web stuff.
So what is in your eyes the image standard? When you ask google they say webp. And yes rise php version would be the best solution. Since this is a...
the benefits are that we supporting what the most broads needs and we redurce the complexity by removing old stuff. The last php raise was in 2017 where 5.3 got...
Since smf 2.0.17 support php 7.2 and with this a migration path exists between 3 php version when i take php 7.0 as baseline, 2.0.18 could possible support php 7.4...
no i make not your job. you hurt yourself by supporting this amount of php version and ask me to give your reason to stop with this. The shared hoster...