share_api icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
share_api copied to clipboard

Flutter Share API. Flutter Plugin for sharing contents to social media.

Flutter Share API Plugin

Flutter Plugin for sharing contents to social media.

At this moment, this plugin is Android-only. Adding iOS compatibility is the highest priority on the development road map.


This plugin is still in development. Specifications and APIs may change in the subsequent versions. Use this at your own risk.

Available Features

Platform Android iOS Activity Return Value Notes
System UI Text, Images, and Files
Facebook Story Images (Background and Sticker)
Instagram Story Images (Background and Sticker)


Sharing Images and Files

In order to share files and/or images, you will need to add the following:


In the android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, add the following in the manifest/application:

<!-- Add FileProvider in order to access the shared file -->
            android:resource="@xml/file_paths" />

After adding the File Provider to the manifest, create a file named file_paths.xml in the app/src/main/res/xml folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <cache-path name="images" path="/"/>


The module is accessed statically by calling ShareApi.via[module].[function]().

The following functions are available:

Module Function
System UI shareText()
Facebook shareToStory()
Instagram shareToStory()

Return Values

All share functions will return an integer representing the return value of the activity called. If the function does not support obtaining the operation result, ShareResult.undefined or 0x00 is given. Otherwise, the return value will be one of three possible values, which are ok, canceled, and failed. As of now, only Facebook responds with proper value, therefore running the other functions will always return undefined.

There are four possible values:

Value Meaning
ShareResult.undefined (0x00) The share function does not support return values
ShareResult.ok (0x01) The share function has completed successfully, and the content has been shared
ShareResult.canceled (0x02) The user canceled the share action and return back to the application
ShareResult.failed (0x03) The share function failed to complete. Mostly due to exceptions and other errors

Development Road Map

  • iOS Compatibility for System UI, Facebook Story, and Instagram Story
  • Examples and Documentation Revamp


Feel free to contribute by opening issues or submitting PRs through GitHub.