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Deep Reinforcement Learning methods to learn plays SNES games

Playing SNES games with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Some tests for algorithms that learn how to play Super Nintendo and other retro games using Deep Reinforcement Learning methods.


First create a Conda environment using one of the provided environment file, either for CPU or GPU computation. GPU is highly recommended.

conda env create -f environment-gpu.yml

After that, activate the environment

source activate gym-retro-gpu

Finally you should install the ROMs for the games you want to try.


The ideal hardware to train the player agent is to make use of a machine with a single GPU and a large number of CPUs. For instance, you could use a g3.4xlarge AWS instance. Be warned that training might take days!

Once you have decided on a game, you should desing a controller mapping for such game. This is to easen the learning process: only allow the agent to perform button combinations that make sense in the game. Just take a look at other examples in the games configuration file.

After this is done you can train on the game for a given level by running


Regular checkpoints will be saved under a folder in your ~/ray-results directory. You can visualize the training metrics by running

tensorboard --logdir=LOGDIR

You can then see the agent playing by running

python  GAME LEVEL --test --checkpoint CHECKPOINTFILE

Movies of the playthrough can be recorded by adding the --makemovie argument.

Train examples

Gradius III (SNES)

python GradiusIII-Snes Level1.Mode1.Shield

Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

python DonkeyKongCountry-Snes 1Player.CongoJungle.JungleHijinks.Level1

Super Mario World (SNES)

python SuperMarioWorld-Snes DonutPlains1

Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)

python SonicTheHedgehog-Genesis GreenHillZone.Act1

Comix Zone (Genesis)

python ComixZone-Genesis Episode1.Page1


Work in progress! But do check my Twitter for updates.