Jean-François Alarie
Jean-François Alarie
Oh I see. Your app also needs to instruct homeservers to relay push notifications through your own Push Gateway, which also needs your Firebase credentials. The standard push gateway for...
Push notifications are not so easy. There is no programming involved, but you'll need to install a Push Gateway application (such as Sygnal) on a server reachable through a URL...
You seem to be very close to solving your problem, but you're actually ahead of me on this and I unfortunately won't be able to help you further. Quadrix doesn't...
The top-down messaging feed was not really a design decision, but rather a consequence of using the built-in VirtualListView component which came with ReactXP. I tried to modify the component...
Hi, thanks for reporting the issue. I will look at this in the next days. It could have something to do with Android 12, I don't have a device here...
Hi @rilysh, I just tested Quadrix on a Google Pixel 5 emulator running Android 12 (API 31) and I could save the image successfully. What phone are you using?
Hi, it is somewhere on my ToDo list. Will take a look at it in the coming weeks and let you know when I have something ready for testing.
Sony Xperia video, when trying to play on web: onLoadedMetadata / onLoadStart -> target, returns an error: error: MediaError code: 3 message: "PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: Failed to send audio packet for decoding:...
LG G6 video, when trying to play on MacOS: QuickTime player shows viewable video content, but all green shaded.
Commit is somehow related, but not closing yet as there seems to be further issues when app opens, is quickly dismissed to background, then re-opens.