rabbitmq-c copied to clipboard
Declaring queue: invalid AMQP data
amqp_queue_declare(m_conn_response, CHANNEL_ONE, queuename, 0, nMQDurable, 0, 0, arguments); die_on_amqp_error(amqp_get_rpc_reply(m_conn_response), "Declaring queue");
i try to create several consumers in code. These queues don't seem to be independent. I use threads to let a consumer queue do its own thing after it completes, When the first queue has data, A thread will be opened to consume after registration, but the registered amqp_queue_declare() function of the second queue will have an empty probability return,Unless I register all the queues.
I'm confused. What public resource did I use to make these queues independent? My env Ubuntu 16.04 default librabbitmq
If you want a given queue to be scoped to a single connection, they either need to be given a unique name, or mark the queue as exclusive (https://www.rabbitmq.com/queues.html#exclusive-queues).