zabbix_ipsec_pfsense copied to clipboard
Unlucky problem ;C
I have problem with use it. After install with your instructions i dont get any info. When i checked in hosts information i get something like this.
Help me please.
@Rutaa Could you run the script at pfsense console?
/usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/
I suspect that you have some char that is breaking the json parser used on the script. This char can be on description at phase 1 or 2. Can you check this as well?
Looks like you are facing a problem to run python scripts. I don't know the cause. Do you copy and past de file correctly? I mean, depends where from you got the file, you can face identity problems.
Try run:
cat -e /usr/local/bini/
And them, try find any kind of wrong char or even a bad identity line.
Other option is get the file directly from the git. Example:
curl -Ss -o /usr/local/bini/
All time not working, I replace this file two times. Whats wrong :C
@Rutaa You are running the command the python prompt. You have to run those commands at pfsense shell.
I don't have any idea whats wrong. But in VSC problem is first line. After this command
cat -e /usr/local/bini/ i get something like this...
Looks like your file is Ok.
Can you run the following command (at pfsense shelel, not on python cmd):
/usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/
@alanwds do you have any idea ?
@Rutaa I think that we have to established a new channel for contact (hang out or skype)? Maybe, we have try make a debug together.
@alanwds Yea i think this same. I prefer WhatsApp or hangout :)
just send me invitation on hangout [email protected]
unlucky ehh :(
@Rutaa I figure out that the problem is related to encoding rigth? Would be nice if you share the solution here.