zabbix_ipsec_pfsense copied to clipboard
Error: IndexError: string index out of range ==> Execute
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/", line 117, in
I use Python 3.7 and ZabbixAgentd 4.0.27. My pfSense version is 2.5.1-RELEASE(amd64)
/usr/local/bin/python3.7 /usr/local/bin/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/", line 126, in
@krolingo I just make some improvement on zabbix-ipsec script (the most part of then, identation). Can you check if is working know?
Thank you @alanwds for this work, I find it really useful and well done.
Maybe this issue is resolved since then, but I encountered the same problem.
Here are the modifications I made for the script to work again after the tunnels name has been changed from connxxxx to conx, and for the description to be well displayed :
line 8, ensure that the variable IPSEC_CONF points to the new path : IPSEC_CONF = '/var/etc/ipsec/swanctl.conf'
line 61 in the parseConf() function, edit the regex for the reg_conn variable : from re.compile('^conn\s((?!%default).*)') to reg_conn = re.compile('^\s*con[0-9]')
I added the following variable to fetch the IPSEC VPN description (line 65 for me) : reg_descr = re.compile('(?<=# P1 (ikeid [0-9]): ).*')
line 89 for me, after
if m2: right_tmp.append(m2)
I added the following operations : descr_tmp = list() m3 =, g) m3 = if m3: descr_tmp.append(m3)
- And finally line 98 for me, the new data variable is populated with the description : data[conn_tmp[0]] = [left_tmp[0], right_tmp[0], descr_tmp[0]] I attached the edited version of to this reply, hope someone will find this useful!