epic-stack-with-user-impersonation icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
epic-stack-with-user-impersonation copied to clipboard

An example Remix application showcasing how to implement user impersonation in the Epic Stack.

Epic Stack with User Impersonation

User impersonation is a feature that allows admin users to log in as any other user without knowing their password. This is useful for troubleshooting issues that a user may be experiencing.

This example demonstrates how to implement this feature in an Epic Stack application.



How it works

When an admin user wants to impersonate another user, we need to:

  • Get the current session ID from the cookie and store it in the session as impersonatorSessionId
  • Create a new session for the user we want to impersonate and store it in the cookie as sessionId

When the user stops impersonating, we need to:

  • Take the session ID stored in impersonatorSessionId and assign it to sessionId, which will restore the original admin session.
  • Clear impersonatorSessionId from the cookie